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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. And don't forget to make a META-INF folder in there. Kaker forgets stuff too.

    ahh shoot i forgot that to, so many things to get this to work its insane some times.

    ps kaker does forget stuff like periods or capital M's :P

  2. I especially miss being able to mine without hitting a neverending cave, beaches, gravel beaches, hills in a forest, not having sudden mountain spam, hilly snow biomes, large lakes, small ponds without the ugly splotches of clay and sand, and biomes overlapping with each other.
  3. I know what you mean. Seeds are pretty much useless now. Although I think too many options would bork stuff like servers. I think they should globally change the world generator for the better. AKA: Either 1.7.3 world generator with the new biomes or something better.

    I especially miss being able to mine without hitting a neverending cave, beaches, gravel beaches, hills in a forest, not having sudden mountain spam, hilly snow biomes, large lakes, small ponds without the ugly splotches of clay and sand, and biomes overlapping with each other.

    rip 404

  4. As long as they fix the world generator, sure. They've been adding new biomes since Beta 1.8.1 and all that changed was that the game had more templates to endlessly copypaste over the landscape without any real variety. They should either overhaul the generator completely or take the Beta 1.7.3 generator and add the new biomes to that.

    Also, caves. So many caves. Mining decently? Forget it. Whoop, another cave.

    it seems open mouth caves are more rare...or do i just have bad luck

    but i do find that caves in general are not as rare anymore....such a shame

  5. That and DeCoupl(er/ing) tracks to detach them if you need that as well. And they will go through portals in 1.2.5 if you use Mystcraft portals.

    yes they will but you will get some serious lag if you do

  6. I don't know the history on this since I bought the game in 1.0, but wasn't all food stackable as soon as hunger was implemented?

    pre 1.8 beta food didn't stack and there wasn't a hunger meter or a sprint function, cookies were the only food that stacked, also chickens and cows didn't drop meat, only pigs did, back then it was all about bread and porkchops

    Weren't cookies only stackable to 8, thus making them equivalent to a steak in hunger refilling (but not nearly as much for saturation)? So, they were an inferior alternative anyway.

    your right but you could carry the materials to make a stack of cookies, and my doing so was better then carrying 1 stack of meat (inventory space was the issue)

  7. Gunpowder, tnt, little babby creepers, or the new creeper heads they added in? Whatever it is, it is either dangerous or disgusting.

    acually i would like a slice....ANOTHER PINT MY FRIEND!!!!!

  8. You sure? That air blast stuff of w/e up in the top corner isn't familiar.

    Edit: Nvmd, I'm being a derp.

    yea what is the "air blast stuff in the top corner" a mod purhaps? i would like to expiriment with this mod

    i would bet my technic world that those are anchour particles

  9. you could have it all store into 1 regulator then discharge like a bunch at once were other regulators would take what they need to make the components, i am making a HV solar factory on my server right now (well not my server, the server i play on) i use this so that not all the refind iron gets turned into circuits and none of it goes to the machine blocks

  10. well fuck i couldn't just use some fucking lava to power some god damn geothermals because fuck they are to damn expensive and lava cells don't have that fucking low EMC value of fucking 128

    omg add sparkle farts this isn't the same without farts for my sparkles

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