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Posts posted by holymage!

  1. Well, Mass Effect covers the entire galaxy whereas FireFall is only on earth, there are no alien species, just ones that got jacked up and mutated by the melding, no reapers, Mass Effect is SP and FireFall is an MMORTTS, and there is no massive galactic conspiracy / cover up about a sentient synthetic race that comes in and wrecks shop every 50,000 years.

    you got a point there....but ME3 does have multiplayer :) (i find it fun)

  2. someone can correct me if i am wrong but a jar mod is basically going the dong princess route and modding base class files, which makes your mod imcompatibale with 99.9999999999% of mods

    using forge you could still make a jar mod...but you might have issues and such

    making it not a jar mod means it compatable with 99.9999% of mods....

    again correct me if i am wrong

  3. You get gunned down by the mafia for having to much swag.

    I wish for a remote control detonator.

    you press the detonator, only to find that there is a mine that explodes with chickens, they in rage peck out your eyes. you bleed out and die.

    i wish for immortality

    OFF TOPIC: its threads like this that cheer you up eh?

  4. You turn into an apple core, which happens to be infused with tin. You are a hard core.

    I wish I had an army of manic depressive alcoholic midgets on the brink of insanity under my control.

    someone let's off a EMP, it disrupts the connection that makes your minions unable to distinguish friend from foe, they in turn, kill you.

    i wish that i had ALL the SWAG!

  5. And the VS max comes with a left arm squirtgun. I hate that gun. The dual AA, and the dual Anti-tank are decent, but those are also good on TR, with the added benefit of the default TR weapons not sucking.

    i thought the Vanu had ADVANCED tech....from what i have read so far it seems they have advanced waterguns and pointer lasers

  6. so....i ask a question....what is the differnece from the mass effect universe? the story seems similar to it

    Nevertheless this seems interesting....more then WOW (i find it really boring)

  7. there is you know....2am :) its what i did for years, and yes i agree with the hamster, HEADPHONES!

    really, trying to prove something to your parents is like trying to prove to a door that it is a window, so because of this i typically just stand there and go "uh huh...yea...ok...uh huh...yea ok sounds cool....will do" in the end they (well most do) do it to protect you...i never got this (i'm 20 years old and still don't, purhaps when i have kids :P)

  8. Plastic craft has a plastic boat

    IC2 quantum legs and make you zip though water

    i usually just carry a boat (vanilla) around and shoot it with an arrow when i want to back

    (EDIT: corrected some lame ass spelling mistakes, just got up, Sorry!)

  9. OK, thanks! My Technic has stopped working, so I guess Tekkit Lite...? And are Technic worlds compatible with Tekkit Lite?

    as in the 1.2.5 version? NO

    as in the newest builds, if they have the same configs and mod version, i don't see why not...you would just need to find out how to change the worlds.

  10. seriously....read the rules

    there i even gave you a link to avoid having to click more then once.

    We aren't here to say, "Here it is! Do better next time!"

    Abide by the rules, then we will help you.

    Edit: Imminet Freackachu in 3..2..1

    you made my day with that :)

    EDIT: what is with the RE: at the start of his thread, he isn't replying to a thread or anything.

  11. WOW!!! GOOD JOB!!!! Saying Whale Box makes a thread un-boxable! Anyways, ya. You are right. Maybe there should be a special place for things like this that just cant make it in the whale box. Maybe something called: "Threads gone totally wrong" or something like that.

    another section to the Koi pond?

    get on that Kaker!

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