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Everything posted by dooganx79

  1. Name: lintphishx Age: 34 What do you wish to accomplish?: To gain in world wealth and personal satisfaction from personal and group projects as well as learning how others use the machines and other plugins in creative ways. Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes. what is the purpose of a macerator? To grind 1x ore into 2x dust which doubles the amount of ingots or smelted product you obtain from ore and getting more flint out of gravel or sand from cobblestone to name a few. Recommendations(if you been invited): NA Others things i should know: There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo.
  2. I reported the bugs with WorldEdit/Guard to sk89q's bug board about a month ago. Since it's up to the creator of the plug-in (world edit/guard) to make it compatible with other mods if they so choose, I don't think that the Technic pack team can do much but also post/comment on sk89q's bug tracker. I've since given up on trying to get it to work since everyone concentrates on 1.2.3 right now and not fixing bugs for 1.1.
  3. It's not tekkit, but one of the mods. I think it's the advanced machines for IC one. Not sure why they'd use 7, which is the test version(beta) of java to code it for an environment that people rely on your code to work.
  4. I just deleted the mod serverside. If someone tries to craft it it'll blink and not even be there. IF someone tries to give it or grab it from the list in creative it'll say no item exists or something similar. The other one should be the same.
  5. I understand what you mean, but you can do that with //set 246:3. I'm using 5.2 World Edit. Seems that the problem is better stated as RedPower blocks made with the saw disappear. Say when you select them in a region and //move 1 up or similar. The other issue would be highlighting a region with mod blocks in it and running /restore from a snapshot. when it's rebuilding, if it runs into a part that has a non-vanilla block it stops. That is with all the mod blocks I've tried at least, even the ones not RedPower. It regens everything up to that point but then stops and throws the error "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -10. Don't know if I should take it up with sk89q or make another better stated thread. I'm pretty sure it's not an issue with the pack.
  6. I haven't changed anything and it was the first thing I tried when I got tekkit working locally and on my remote server. I did start a brand new world though.
  7. Well, It even works If I jam the combustion engine(the other two don't provide power enough alone) right next to the quarry or well and have it pumping directly into it and it's working... Sorry it doesn't work for you.
  8. BTW, I mean you have to keep vanilla open til you are on the tekkit server and playing... just to make sure, no need to reply if that's how you did it.
  9. So you are saying it uses a list of only vanilla block ids and doesn't actually read the ids in? I really don't know but I would think since the game itself can render all the objects from the world files that it would just be a simple matter of it using the same format as world files for region id reading and placement. Anyway, I guess it's a bug since it's in this forum.
  10. I have these working on my server and I didn't do anything special. I don't mean to sound rude but have they ever worked for you? Are you using them properly?
  11. In the server folder /mod/craftingtableII-1.6.2-bukkit1938.zip. Delete it. It'll still be in your Client but the server will tell you there isn't such an item. You'll have to do this again if you ever replace the server files due to update.
  12. You should probably ask the servers tech support about installing custom servers. They can really help. Backup your world/plugin/things to keep folders on your server in ftp. (if you converted from 1.1.4 to 2.0 with tool... otherwise start a new world... don't even try to use a vanilla world). Then reset/re-install everything on the server. Make sure you can connect to the servers basic setup. If it works then you have original file names and structure. Install the tekkit server zip on your machine locally, just make a folder for it, drag and drop the files from the tekkit zip into it. You can then run launch.bat to make sure it works but this folder is mainly just so you have a local folder to compare your ftp to. I dentify your host servers .jar in ftp. It may be named like craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT or craftbukkit-1.0.1-R1. That file should be in the root folder for the server Rename the tekkit.jar in your folder to that name that appears in your own ftp. Then you can then drag and drop everything in the folder you just made, with the renamed tekkit server, directly into the root of your ftp where you see a similar file structure to your local folder you dropped things in. I hope that kinda helps. Most of us who are Admin'ing our own servers probably are trying to work out our own kinks and too busy to give hands on. So if not I hope you can find some hands on help.
  13. I know this seems odd but it works for one of my players. Open the original vanilla minecraft without the launcher. Then run the technic/tekkit launcher. You should be able to close the vanilla when you log in. I'm not quite sure why but I think it has to do with something that opens in the VM for normal minecraft that the technic/tekkit version needs... or something like that in his case. If it works cool, if not keep trying because it's digital ducttape and only works most of the time for us.
  14. Getting rid of them isn't a problem. Get a //wand, make a box around where it is, then //regen. You'll loose what you built but it gets rid of the phantom objects. My guess is the either the mod_EE.props are messed up or ids are still a teeny bit fugged elsewhere.
  15. It may just be this way and there is nothing that can be done. World edit will not use blocks belonging in mods nor will the //restore command work on a region if it contains blocks from a mod. It could be that I'm doing something wrong. If that's the case then is there something else I need to do other than to put the files on my server? Also, the wireless blocks cause the players to get kicked. I have to really quickly creative mode destroy the block if I can to allow players back on the server. Even shutdown/startup didn't clear the problem.
  16. Re: Training Dummy & Quarry *OOPS! Move to BUGS! I can confirm this and the Cannon does the same thing when placed. Actually, on the Quarry part It works with conductive pipes for me at least.
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