I've been reading the Wiki, and it says that anything placed on a Pedestal doesn't work on Multiplayer. Of course, this was after I made 8 Pedestals and 8 Watches of Flowing Time. Do these work on Multiplayer? When adding them to a Pedestal, all the machines on our server just slowed down; not speed up. Is something wrong? A single furnace takes 15 minutes to smelt 1 Gold Ore. Some how I don't think this is supposed to be this way.
I tried right clicking the pedestals and no sounds or graphics changed. How do I even know they are active? Currently anything that is a machine is going beyond slow. Our MKIII Relays and Energy converters are moving at 1/8th the speed they normally run. They are running slower than MKI.
EDIT: Removing the Pedestals and the Watches didn't help.