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Everything posted by Rarity

  1. Could be a conflict with MCMMO or something. Seems to be hit and miss.
  2. Unless I'm mistaken, the Rending gale doesn't even work in Multiplayer, or at least it doesn't on my server. Same can be said for the Fire Band.
  3. Well, for one you need Optifine C3 because it is the only one compatible with Forge #138. Also, Forge in Tekkit is a much earlier version and I believe heavily modified. Under no circumstance should you need to update Forge for any reason. You could try installing Forge and then the new optifine (has to be in that order). Optifine and Forge don't like each other very well, and C3 was just released which adds "compatibility" with the newest version of forge. Personally, I would just wait. The newest version of EE requires the newest version of forge so you can bet when they update Tekkit they'll update Forge.
  4. The same must be in the Gem armor. I suspect it is there to make you vulnerable to some degree. Since Fall damage does not have durability damage, I suppose is to add some degree of danger, but you would need to be at levels so extreme that you would probably be disconnected from height anyway.
  5. It's because of the way armor is handled. Even though the RM/Gem armor gives you 90% damage reduction, it won't protect you from a charged creeper explosion, which does 97 points of damage. For some reasons, armor will act as a "Buffer" rather than a flat damage reduction (even 100% damage reduction) which will result in your death. While I haven't tested quantum extensively, I found that with full gem armor, I died every time with a full on charged creeper explosion even though I would have the damage reduced by 90% (9.7 damage - Which is half of a player's total health). I don't know why this is, but I think it has something to do with chunk loading. If a chunk is loading, for some reason your armor doesn't protect you like it should, or it could just be a bug with red/gem armor. The only time I have ever survived a charged creeper explosion is when I dodged or counter-attacked from MCMMO. Keep in mind that this is Mulitplayer, so things may work differently in single-player. A Charged Creeper has a explosion radius of 6; a nuke 10. If a charged creeper does 97 points of damage (same with an End Crystal - Which will also kill you in one shot if you stand at point blank range)) then a nuke should do something like 161 ((1 × 1 + 1) × 8 × 10 + 1) points of damage at the center. Both; at 90% damage reduction should leave your shaken, but not killed, but for some reason it doesn't. Sadly I think it's because when you take damage with armor it does the damage "First" then "Heals" you for the amount taken; which makes it seem like you take less damage. That would of course explain why extremely high damage sources (such as falling from massive heights, charged creepers, nukes) completely ignore the armor values. This seems to be further confirmed with the way damage reduction works in MCMMO when you *dodge* or *counter-attack* As I mentioned before, flying to EXTREMELY high levels and falling will also kill you in gem/quantum armor. I am not sure why this is. I don't advise griefing your friends with gem armor by electrifying creepers regardless =P.
  6. I don't understand the question.. You want to make yourself invulnerable while wearing Red Matter/Gem Armor, but want to make people vulnerable if you and your enemy are wearing it? No armor will truly make you 100% invulnerable because of the way armor works. If you want to kill people; use Gem Armor. Simply use the Abyss helmet to charge a creeper. Charged creepers will insta-kill anyone in Dark/Red/Gem armor; including yourself. It will also insta-kill anyone in Quantum Armor.
  7. If it all works good together without issues, I don't see why you can't add it and let the server operators decide if they want it or not *shrugs*. I think having more options is cool.
  8. Well, here's hoping we get a new update soon. I'd like to see one major update before the release of 1.3 :D
  9. I knew it wouldn't work starting on our server, because EE wasn't updated yet; so I started a single player world. I could get to the menu just fine, but once I tried to enter my world, it would eventually turn into a while screen after playing for a few seconds.
  10. That's where I just was as you can see with the screenshot above. The server isn't the problem. The problem is we can't install the client mods which we will need for both of us, right?
  11. I downloaded the client version It also appears the Bukkit version hasn't been updated in ages:
  12. So I need to download the EE Bukkit versions? I went to the EE thread on the Official Minecraft forums and grabbed the Client version from there. I removed EE from my mod folder and replaced it with and tried to start up, only to get an error message about Forge and EE.
  13. It seems like Forge is very unfriendly with Tekkit. The new Forge does away with Modloader or something and most of the newer mods require the latest version of forge, which Tekkit doesn't use. It will be interesting to see how they get that working O.o. I'd really like to see them do the 4096 fix, too.
  14. Maybe they'll release a DEV version we can play around with. That'd be cool.
  15. As of 3.0+ of Rei's Mini Map, all entity radar is disabled and has to be enabled by the server operator. It seems like you have the right idea using RealMOTD. It may have changed, so you might want to look at this: Cave mapping and entities radar of the SMP is disabled by default. When the server owner (using bukkitplugin/other) sets the key word to motd(login message), they become effective. Please set the keyword to motd referring to the following. &0&0: prefix &e&f: suffix &1: cave mapping &2: entities radar (player) &3: entities radar (animal) &4: entities radar (mob) &5: entities radar (slime) &6: entities radar (squid) &7: entities radar (other living) [size=14px][b]examples.[/b][/size] [b]All enable.[/b] &0&0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&e&f [b]Cavemap enable.[/b] &0&0&1&e&f [b]Cavemap and EntitiesRadar(player,animal,slime) enable.[/b] &0&0&1&2&3&5&e&f ("&" marks color codes. If your server uses a wrapper with different codes then use this for reference). [b]for CommandBook(bukkit plugin)[/b] Spoiler It is not possible to use it with the vanilla server that cannot set motd. [color=#8b0000]I made it for official server.[/color] [b]LoginMessage v0.3[/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (adfly)[/color][/b] (goo.gl/direct) [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Forge Server 1.2.5 (adfly)[/color][/b] (goo.gl/direct) -&--#62; [color=#ff0000](Forge / Forge+MLMP)[/color] [b][color=#0000ff]for ModLoaderMp Server 1.2.5 (adfly)[/color][/b] (goo.gl/direct) -&--#62; [color=#ff0000](MLMP)[/color] [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server 1.2.4 (adfly)[/color][/b] (goo.gl/direct) [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server 1.2.3 (adfly)[/color][/b] (goo.gl/direct) [b][color=#0000ff]for ModLoaderMp Server 1.2.3v2 (adfly)[/color][/b] (goo.gl/direct) [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server 1.1[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for ModLoaderMp Server 1.1[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server 1.0.1[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for ModLoaderMp Server 1.0.1[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server 1.0.0[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server Beta 1.8.1[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for ModLoaderMp Server 1.8.1[/color][/b] [b][color=#0000ff]for Minecraft Server RC2[/color][/b][/code]
  16. Update: Updating EE will not work. It causes Minecraft to crash. I'm guessing because it was made for the latest version of forge which Tekkit does not use. I am not sure what to do about this, but I went back to an earlier version. Too bad, because I would have loved the features it added. Thanks for the help. I'll just wait until Tekkit updates the mods in the future. I think it's not very modular.
  17. I see. Hopefully this will fix some issues. The new features in EE are great (Being able to see the EMC values of items with NEI? DO WANT - Not to mention the nerfs to Uranium and Oil buckets which is very welcome).
  18. I see. Mostly concerned with updating EE since it has a lot of bugs and exploits that could be ironed out. IC2/Buildcraft seems pretty stable. I updated Rei's Mini Map to 3.1 without problem and I'm using Optifine C2 Multicore fine, too.
  19. So Forge, EE, IC2, etc can be safely updated? Do I need the client version of the mods, the multiplayer version of the mods, or the server version of the mods? And what about my boyfriend's server. Will he have to update, too?
  20. Can't understand all the hub-bub about having mods in a pack. No revenue or something for the modders? I guess I'll not know. Also, Can't understand the significance of signing posts.. Or what's so fantastic about forestry =P.
  21. I imagine when you have so many mods in one place, there's bound to be issues. Personally, I haven't had any crashes using all the bells and whistles..
  22. Is there a guide somewhere I can follow to manually update mods? I know Tekkit has some modifications which help mods coexist in harmony, but there are a few I want to update such as EE. Ideally, what I need is a list of mods in Tekkit and which ones can be updated relatively harmlessly without breaking the entirety of Tekkit.
  23. Can anyone else provide any credit to this?
  24. How is 32 Pedestals = 10x? At 7% increase wouldn't you need 900% to be 10x speed?
  25. I Wouldn't know. I've never did play Single-player except to test textures. We have a large number of watches and they seem to be working. We don't need to place them near machines to get the effect apparently?
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