1. In Game Name:Freakless_Oaxs
2. Age:16
3. Experience with AOTBT:2 months-ish
4. Skype Name:Spencock
5. Personality:Generous, Creative.
6. Good at Building?: Hell to the yes.
7. Why should you be accepted?:I should be accepted to become white listed because, I'm a great builder and I would be an active player
8. Anything you would like to share about yourself(Optional):No.
9. Favorite mod in the pack:Forge Microblocks (namely because it greatly expands my options for building)
10. Would you be interested in donating to help the server stay afloat(decision will not affect whitelist):Depends on the amount
I,Freakless_Oaxs/Freakly, have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.