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Everything posted by sancarn

  1. Welcome! When I started playing the main thing I focussed on was EE (Equivalent Exchange). However this was mainly because I like to be creative on survival and make cool efficient machines. EE is great because you can generate energy that you can use to make (pretty much) all the items in minecraft. If you like testing and being creative EE is probably the best mod to get you started. I personally found it easier to focus on one mod at a time and go to red power of EMC generation. However if you want to keep away from magic and want to stick with mechanical then I'd go with either Buildcraft and Industrial craft or Red Power first. RedPower is a mod where you can be creative and make lots of cool mechanisms whereas BC&IC are more about collecting resources. Hope this helps you out =)
  2. ahhh okay =) Thanks =D
  3. my sign? You can use bones instead of blaze rods until you can get some blaze rods from the nether. Basically you can use bones to start off and when you have sufficient armour etc. go kill some blazes and make one of these setups =)
  4. I see. I prefer pneumatic tubes just because of the way they deal with things but what you said sounds like a better way of dealing with the excess blaze powder.
  5. Ahhh so buildcraft pipes that is?
  6. Yes about an hour ago I found his post on it while wondering if I was the first to invent it. Our systems are a little different yet his deals with the excess blaze powder fairly well where as mine requires a manual reset after 'n' hours of working I will probably improve mine in the future somehow but I'm going to try and keep it as compact as possible. Is that a separate mod or something everyone can do. I don't believe distribution pipes exist in tekkt yet am I right? If so I suppose you could probably use a filter?
  7. When I was playing on Tekkit I couldn't actually get the rotary macerator working with this design which is unfortunate =/. @NightKev - Really? From my experiments the rotary macerator seems to macerate in about 70 milli seconds (14 ticks) 16 Overclockers takes 3 seconds per macerate doesn't it?
  8. Hello Technic Pack Forums! This is my very first proper thread here and I haven't seen many threads like this, showing off an invention, around the place and therefore I am not sure whether this is the right place to post this or not sadly =/. I have been making videos for about 9 months now but all so far have been with Vanilla Minecraft. About 2 months ago I decided to start playing the Technic Pack and I haven't stopped juggling between Vanilla and Technic ever since. Now with introductions out of the way onto the invention: (Bare with the video. At about 16 seconds through you will get the opportunity to skip the mod briefings (which take up about 6-7 minutes of the video time) so the effective length of the video for current technic users is roughly 5 minutes long. I have not seen this type of EMC generator before and it came to me while I was watching an episode of direwolf20's lets play where he stated 'Remember to Macerate your blaze rods, to get 5 blaze powder per rod". This sparked my imagination and I created this wonderful little machine which is tillable and generates 1500 EMC per cycle (where a cycle is the time it takes for a macerator to... well... macerate.) Of course adding over clocker upgrades to your maceraters will shorten the cycle time allowing you to generate more EMC at the cost of more EU. Of course the best part about this is it is completely tile-able (and 1 wide) allowing you to stack many of them next to each other and generate a high volume of EMC very quickly. I intend to make more videos in the future so keep in touch. Any feedback is much appreciated (and especially if anyone tells me which thread this sort of post belongs in!) Thanks for reading!
  9. Interesting. The only changes I would make is changing the electric furnaces to DM furnaces. Then you could also get rid of the macerators and run them straight off energy converters. They're faster too. The other thing would be to exchange the mass converters to energy condensers. This is however because I am an equivalent exchange man. However that is unless you can't exchange the target with energy condensers?
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