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Everything posted by OmagaIII

  1. Well, must have been a brain cell since the server is down when you say it is up, and since you don't seem to be able to clear or find the chunks causing the issues. Also, I noted that IF it was a new IP. No assumption their... Fact: the server was down... Congrats murphy3333 :D
  2. Server is definitely down. If it is a new IP, please post it here as well, or close the thread if you don't intend on updating it.
  3. You also have a problem with BC Pipes overflowing which will also cause lag, especially when combined with the tethers from my previous post. Here is another guys place you should check out: -21 +94 -168
  4. Another block that needs to be removed is the Teleport Tether. It is used to anchor the world. Have a look at this guys place: -347 +280 +120 Here the tether is used to anchor his factory. Atom has asked before that we keep an eye out for this guy. He has one on every level of his building.
  5. Oi, another grifing tool. The forcefield cutter also bypasses all protection.
  6. Spawn... griefed again. Philosophers stone was used. Could you add it so that no player can hold it? That should solve that issue without removing it or banning it all together.
  7. Ok, this is weired. Farmland seems to also cause lag from time to time o.O
  8. Well, add mining lasers to the ban list as well. We have griefing with them as well Oi, this is killing me... lol
  9. dzvbbbbbb had HV Solar panels removed in his protected zone. How would that happen o.O Any assistance would be appreciated
  10. Wasn't by me. Also why we don't want just anyone as a mods or admin. lol
  11. Lag went up again at 10:00pm +2 GMT. :/ To precise not to be some kind of attack. Darn furries >:(
  12. No problem. Just hope we can help you out with this. Like with the above request for banned items, please add: Duplicator 194:4 To the banned items as well :)
  13. Hey bud. Lag is ridiculous again. Either your exposed to some serious DDoS or your service provider is stuffing around big time or, and I doubt this, their is something on the server that is lagging up bad. But as I mentioned, I highly doubt that, as last night we had 40+ people on with no lag. Just a heads up, but something really ain't right.
  14. Getting griefing with amulets as well. Please add them to the banned items. Evertide Amulet 27530 Volcanite Amulet 27531
  15. The strange thing is the lag started at exactly 6:00 PM GMT... It might be some kind of DoS attack or something. Might we change IP's some time to test this, if possible. Also, I have removed numerous griefers again today, as well as people just generally breaking rules big time. SPawn is thrashed... again... and overall things don't look too good at all.
  16. Ban Altair1205 for griefing... Block breaking of others. Caught him but the little d@#%&$$ s%&@ droped before I got to ban him my self >:(
  17. Can't be that bad... since your still here... and STILL complaining... Totally with Kyll ^^^
  18. I will do a quick blast test on one of my private maps for the reactor and let you know :)
  19. Hmmm, maybe nuclear reactors? Blow pattern seems consistent with one. Maybe you could work in a counter measure for that. Like only an Admin can build a reactor for you, otherwise it is blocked?
  20. Even your brothers place and half the friggen map is blown to hell O.O Whitelist please... This is just so pathetic. Rather work a managable server with an economy than letting every d@#$%^&*@ !@$*^ on. I know the poor sods where now angry an revengeful, lol, poor sods, must be lonely in their simple world, but this is ridiculous. I could start over a million times with out a bother. Please re-consider. Also, allow for more stringent control. Banning @$$holes before they get this far would prevent this on a large scale. Just a suggestion though, it is just really necessary altogether. Oh, and to the crazy self-pity F$%& that blow up my stuff... Good job. I already have a new place under way, more than what you can say Revenge of the brainless tiny ppl, no wait, ppl don't do this, @$$holes do :-P
  21. I was griefed... Bad... :( Cords: -378 +51 Is this ever gona end? :(
  22. Thanks, you even went off at Kyll when he was online... Really? And then this? Link Shameful... Hope you come right else where.
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