I can understand how people think EE is overpowered. The collectors get free emc from the sun, transmuting items with no loss, getting 128 stacks of dirt from 1 diamond, and the catalytic lens mining a 64x3x3 hole for you. Personally, I don't like to go straight for EE anymore, because after you get a flower up, you pretty much have unlimited resources. I'd rather save that for late-game when I want to build crazy stuff.
But do you know how long it takes to get a collector flower up? While playing actively, it took me 2.5 weeks to get one. Not to mention the cost. The cost of just 1 MK3 relay is equivalent to about 86 diamonds. It may be overpowered, but it's freaking expensive. If I'm going to get something worth 86 diamonds, it better be overpowered.