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Everything posted by velusip

  1. That's odd. 0.6.1 is sort of broken. Several of the included mods don't load properly and the config files are incomplete.
  2. I don't think 0.6.0 or 0.6.1 are recommended versions. They are bleeding edge and have bugs. Technic client users should just stick with "recommended" builds for the most part. There are serious problems with the launcher and the way information is provided (e.g. that wiki is horrible), but I think plowmanplow says it pretty well; just load it up, see what's inside, and that's pretty much all the platform is gunning for. Change logs are a concern for host admins who can easily diff the config files and check mod author resources. Adding changelog functionality to the launcher doesn't affect host admins because those resources are obtained separately and they need to examine changes manually anyway to suit their individually configured servers.
  3. This is the case since 0.6.0, and yes that will restrict nether ore from generating. I'm not sure why it was set this way upstream nor do I know where to read commit logs or who to contact to ask why. A MinY definition isn't even necessary. Those lines can be deleted.
  4. Try command /gamerule doMobSpawning I haven't experienced this problem with a barebones 0.6.1 host. So it could be; some extra plugin setting, the above command, or view distance in server.properties (plus a restart). Otherwise, it could be that your maximum mob count is completely consumed by someone's mob grinder? These structures are silly and unecessary on tekkit hosts.
  5. "It" being the modpack options on the launcher? The launcher often fails to fetch modack info from the server. Just wait a couple minutes and restart the launcher to recache the version list. Best practice is to stick fast with a particular version.
  6. Tip: Don't try updating an existing Tekkit Lite world to version 0.6.1 unless you are okay with items disappearing. I don't know enough about this problem to provide any answers, but lots of things went missing when I tried. Assets (both in chests and placed blocks) from IC2, Redpower2, and Mystcraft disappeared. I was able to restore Mystcraft linking books using the tools that come with Mystcraft, but I had to manually restore all the other assets. Mod assets from some other mods were not affected. e.g. Buildcraft, Powerconverters. Perhaps this has something to do with changing item ids in forge?
  7. Your Tekkit Lite version needs to match the server. So if you updated, and the server didn't then you need to change your version back using the modpack options: You can Manually select whatever version the server runs and the Technic Platform launcher will automatically grab all the correct software.
  8. This usually has to do with the view-distance setting in the the server.properties file. I've got it set to 10 chunks which seems pretty good.
  9. - UTC -0500 afternoons and evenings. (Eastern Americas) - Looking for a few people to collaboratively learn Tekkit Lite version 0.6.1. (bleeding edge) - Newbies preferred for a peaceful, learning experience on a tiny server. (You and a friend, 2-3 max) - Pure survival, mostly communal resources, collaborative, very few slots. UPDATE: Full! Thanks for the thread, Torezu.
  10. This looks like a delayed response from the server. Perhaps try again shortly. Also, I recommend re-downloading the Technic launcher from http://www.technicpack.net/ Your build is a little bit old. (This is unrelated to your error report.)
  11. Also, your screen aspect ratio has an effect on rendering NEI. Try playing in windowed mode and stretch the window so it's wider and reopen your inventory. NEI won't even bother rendering if there isn't much room to the right of the player inventory.
  12. Try waiting for the Technic Platform launcher to load all modpack information. The servers seem to be slow today. (I'm guessing whenever there are changes to download everyone hits the servers at the same time for the data.) I had to wait a few minutes between tries.
  13. Title: Tekkit Lite 0.6.0 fails to automatically download minecraft 1.4.7 and mmmPowersuits build 178 Version: 0.5.1 OS: Archlinux Java Version: OpenJDK 1.7.0_17, 64-bit Description of Problem: This pertains to Tekkit Lite version 0.6.0 only. I've tested other versions and they seem fine. 0.6.1 is fine, but don't try to upgrade a 0.6.0 world to 0.6.1. I think many item IDs were changed -- items will be lost! minecraft.jar v1.4.7 issue: - From the Technic Launcher manually select Tekkit Lite version 0.6.0 (specifically 0.6.0, others are fine) - Technic Launcher pops up an error: failure to download minecraft.jar 1.4.7. - The correct url is provided in the error message, which seems odd to me. - To fix it locally: delete directory .technic - create directories .technic/tekkitlite/bin - manually download old minecraft to new bin directory: http://assets.minecraft.net/1_4_7/minecraft.jar - restart Technic Launcher and run Tekkit Lite 0.6.0 normally. Modular Powersuits: - When connecting to a 0.6.0 server an error says mmmPowersuits is missing. It cites the wrong version: 0.2.2-170. - To fix it locally download the correct version from here: http://build.technicpack.net/job/Machine-Muse-Power-Suits/178/ - Drop this file in your .technic/tekkitlite/mods directory These issues should be easy to fix upstream. Error Messages: unable to download http://assets.minecraft.net/1_4_7/minecraft.jar Error Log:
  14. Just a guess, but try adding your server to your client server list with host address of or localhost instead of the external IP address. If you feel confident tinkering with the Windows 7 firewall you could start there. Start > All Programs > Accessories > (hold Ctrl+Shift and click) Command Prompt netsh firewall set opmode disable then later netsh firewall set opmode enable
  15. Interesting. This hack to implement the ICCCM focus standard works with Java Swing from jre6, but not correctly/all the time with jre7. It's a known problem and there has been no development toward a fix. I'm just going to try jre6 for a while and see if I can at least get a few crash logs.
  16. This forum hates me, trying again: import XMonad import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks import XMonad.Layout import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders ( noBorders, smartBorders ) import XMonad.Util.Run(spawnPipe) import XMonad.Util.EZConfig(additionalKeysP) import System.IO import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName import XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus myTerminal = "urxvt" myBorderWidth = 1 myNormalBorderColour = "#000000" myFocusedBorderColour = "#c050f0" -- purplish myModMask = mod4Mask -- Finland key myFocusFollowsMouse = True myManageHook = manageDocks <+> manageHook defaultConfig myLayout = avoidStruts $ smartBorders tiled ||| smartBorders (Mirror tiled) ||| noBorders Full where tiled = Tall nmaster delta tiled_ratio nmaster = 1 delta = 3/100 tiled_ratio = 1/2 myStartupHook = setWMName "LG3D" -- deek -- media keysyms -- XF86AudioNext = 0x1008ff17 -- XF86AudioPlay = 0x1008ff14 -- XF86AudioPrev = 0x1008ff16 -- XF86AudioStop = 0x1008ff15 -- XF86AudioRaiseVolume = 0x1008ff13 -- XF86AudioLowerVolume = 0x1008ff11 -- XF86Reload = 0x1008ff73 -- XF86Forward = 0x1008ff27 -- XF86Back = 0x1008ff26 main = do xmproc <- spawnPipe "/usr/bin/xmobar /home/velusip/.xmobarrc" xmonad $ defaultConfig { terminal = myTerminal, borderWidth = myBorderWidth, normalBorderColor = myNormalBorderColour, focusedBorderColor = myNormalBorderColour, modMask = mod4Mask, focusFollowsMouse = myFocusFollowsMouse, -- hooks manageHook = myManageHook, logHook = do takeTopFocus dynamicLogWithPP $ xmobarPP { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmproc , ppTitle = xmobarColor "green" "" . shorten 50 } , startupHook = myStartupHook , layoutHook = myLayout } `additionalKeysP` [ ("M-S-x", spawn "slock") , ("M-b", sendMessage ToggleStruts) , ("<XF86AudioNext>", spawn "cmus-remote --next") , ("<XF86AudioPlay>", spawn "cmus-remote --pause") , ("<XF86AudioPrev>", spawn "cmus-remote --prev") , ("<XF86AudioStop>", spawn "cmus-remote --stop") , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "cmus-remote --volume +10%") , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "cmus-remote --volume -10%") , ("<XF86Reload>", spawn "cmus-remote --shuffle") , ("<XF86Forward>", spawn "cmus-remote --seek +5") , ("<XF86Back>", spawn "cmus-remote --seek -5") ] lol
  17. Okay. After a lot of searching and fiddling with Xmonad config I found a patch in Xmonad contrib that fixes the issue. The problem is a nonstandard focus model used by Xmonad, but this patch provides the rest of the standard. I can now interact with Java Swing-based GUIs using Xmonad. http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=177 see: http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=177#c56 I'll leave my config here for future generations to pick at:
  18. Maybe I'll clarify what I need help with: Problem 1: When I try to invoke tekkit on the command line, it insists on relaunching itself with particular arguments -- even if I pass these arguments in myself. When it relaunches I can't pipe the stdout to a file for logging. I would consider this a pretty major problem because I need to see the java errors when it crashes. * Testing environment variable for logging: SERVER_LOG_ROOT * There are some debug and tracing options controlled via the -XX flag, so perhaps I can mask by java executable with these flags. * I'll give it a shot. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/tech/vmoptions-jsp-140102.html#DebuggingOptions * -XX:ErrorFile= * I created a little alias that adds these flags, so that's good, now on to the other problem. Problem 2: The technic-launcher GUI will not take focus from the window manager. * I can input my username and password into the text fields via X11's clipboard, but I can't actually type into those fields * I can press buttons, but since the window immediately loses focus, I can't "unpress" buttons, like the login. It's as if I pressed it, then moved the mouse away from the button. * This problem does not occur with vanilla minecraft launcher, only technic-launcher. Is the sourcecode for this launcher available in a repository anywhere? I could fix this myself.
  19. Okay, thanks! I couldn't find a list of system prerequisites for technic-launcher, so I'm glad you told me to use JRE7. I played tekkit for a bit for the first time using JRE7. It did eventually lock up all the same as before. I'm going to delete everything and try again before continuing with the troubleshooting. I still need help keeping technic-launcher from " rebooting" itself and detatching itself from the terminal so I can log the output. Can someone help me with that? As in my original post: java -Xmx3072m -classpath /home/velusip/bin/technic-launcher-latest.jar org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main 3-Aug-2012 6:30:27 PM org.spoutcraft.launcher.Util log WARNING: Rebooting with [java, -Xmx3072m, -classpath, /home/velusip/bin/technic-launcher-latest.jar, org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main]
  20. Hello Torezu, Thanks for responding. * I switched back to the latest JRE7 to test your theory. * The modpack is selected. I clicked it to make sure. (the dropdown menu works fine) * The username and password fields are not grayed out nor did they change from selecting the pack. * I tried selecting a different pack, no change, then went back to tekkit. The textfields are not selectable/editable. * I'm trying to tab through the various input fields (dropdowns, buttons, text fields) but tab doesn't do anything to the technic-launcher interface. * The window is not getting focus, but since I can interact by clicking the dropdown menus and buttons, X11 input is getting passed to the window with x,y coordinate data...so that's a start. X has some control here. * Trying to paste auth credentials directly under mouse pointer from X11 clipboard -- aha! I can. So I can log in. However, the window focus issue persists in-game. The Minecraft window is not holding focus, so the game is stuck in the Game Menu with the Back to Game button et cetera. I click on those buttons, but it stays in the Game Menu as it should when the game window lost focus (tabbing out, et cetera). * I'm going to see if this occurs with vanilla Minecraft before I waste any more of your time. * Nope, vanilla works fine, so it has something to do with the way technic-launcher establishes an environment. * Please move this thread into the Technic-launcher bugs forum. I'll continue testing. I wonder if this has anything to do with my window manager / Java incompatibility. I've previously set my window manager to masquerade as LG3D to avoid another unrelated conflict. * I'll try setting it back to Xmonad and see if that has an effect. Recompiling xmonad.hs config. * Okay, now technic-launcher loads a blank/gray window. * However, when I mouse-over the auth cred fields I see my mouse cursor switch to the text input icon, so it's still "there". * I will try logging in for kicks. * Still the same focus problem -- stuck in Game Menu. However, a happy resolve (sort of) if I hit F11 to fullscreen, the focus issued go away (obviously). So I am able to play with JRE7, in spite of it being a pain to log in blindly. Summary: Unable to hand off window focus to Techniclauncher with JRE7 + a non-recognized, non-reparenting window manager in an X11 desktop. Here is some related reading material: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Frequently_asked_questions#Problems_with_Java_applications.2C_Applet_java_console
  21. Operating System: Laptop I love you. Here, read this post and come back with some more details: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/common-problems-and-solutions.10851/
  22. Launcher Version: Any, same problem for months up to 3.1.2 Operating System: Linux 3.4.7-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 29 22:02:56 CEST 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux Java Version: Oracle jre-7.5-2-x86_64 Antivirus Program: lol Description of Problem: I can run technic with Oracle jre6, but when I try Oracle jre7 the &quot;Minecraft username:&quot; and &quot;Password:&quot; fields are unselectable. I can't even tab into them. Clicking will not place focus on either field. However, I can click buttons and dropdown menus. I also can't run the client directly from a terminal. It keeps &quot;rebooting&quot;. More in the error messages section. I'd really like to log the output so I can troubleshoot another much more serious bug (when running jre6) and determine if the Java version has something to do with it. Error Messages: java -Xmx3072m -classpath /home/velusip/bin/technic-launcher-latest.jar org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main 3-Aug-2012 6:30:27 PM org.spoutcraft.launcher.Util log WARNING: Rebooting with [java, -Xmx3072m, -classpath, /home/velusip/bin/technic-launcher-latest.jar, org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main] (detached from terminal) Error Log:
  23. Title: Tekkit SMP freezes, takes Xorg with it, need to restart X every time Version: 3.1.1 OS: Linux 3.4.7-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jul 29 22:02:56 CEST 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux Java Version: jre6 6u33-b04 Description of Problem: After a few minutes or so of SMP play, Tekkit freezes up and takes input with it -- can't switch out of X window using keyboard commands (Ctrl+Alt+f1). * Tried Oracle jre7, but I can't even type my username and password into the Technic launcher. The fields are unselectable. Oracle jre6 gets passed this and I can get into the game. * Tried removing .techniclauncher and redownloading all. * Tried updating nvidia proprietary driver to latest (302.17-4) After X crashed, I can still log into my host from another and issue a kill on X. Everything closes fine. I remove /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 and run a startx. The weird thing is, even though the old X is completely gone and no sockets are lingering, it creates my display on :1 instead of :0. This isn't a problem -- I just re export DISPLAY and I can start tekkit up again, but it will eventually lock up again. I will rinse and repeat until I've had enough for one night. Each time after the first crash it never listens on DISPLAY :0. It always starts on :1 until I reboot. Error Messages: None at all, X completely lock Error Log: I need help generating some log. When I try running techniclauncher from the command line it automatically reboots and detatches from my terminal and the console pipe closes if I try: java -Xmx3072m -classpath /home/velusip/bin/technic-launcher-latest.jar org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main 3-Aug-2012 6:30:27 PM org.spoutcraft.launcher.Util log WARNING: Rebooting with [java, -Xmx3072m, -classpath, /home/velusip/bin/technic-launcher-latest.jar, org.spoutcraft.launcher.Main]
  24. It's more of a Java issue, but the Technic Launcher does not render properly if using an unrecognized, non-reparenting window manager. e.g. Xmonad http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Frequently_asked_questions#Problems_with_Java_applications.2C_Applet_java_console Scroll down to the version-relevant section. e.g. For xmonad-0.9 0.9.1 or darcs: [li]edit your config: xmonad.hs[/li] [li]recompile: xmonad --recompile[/li] [li]restart xmonad: mod + q[/li] Here are some relevant keywords and a screenshot of the problem: tekkit, technic-launcher, blank window, grey window, render, java, linux, xmonad
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