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About googeish

  • Birthday 12/04/1994

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Grass (2/9)



  1. if you get quick crashes it happens to me too. im not sure why but i am going to work on it.
  2. right click on the launcher then select run as administrator
  3. what is you're viewing distance at? try setting it lower as this will compensate for the lag you may get from the crystal chests. if not that do exactly painful said use diamond chests because i know drops in massive amounts can cause lag.
  4. try running as admin? My computer wont let me download updates and stuff from programs unless i have given it administrative permission or ran as admin.
  5. have you tried running as admin? if not that can you run regular minecraft with out it doing this?
  6. i have run it with it, for me it was just faster when i installed the 64-bit
  7. set you're viewing distence lower in minecraft options less chunks to load means less lag. hope it helps :D
  8. just herping out.

  9. you need to simmer down errors and bugs happen but getting mad over it doesn't help, if it saying not enough memory allow more memory to it by hitting the options button at the start of the launcher then change 1 GB to something higher if that doesn't work tell me.
  10. i think i have a solution, at the start of the technic launcher near the login button hit options then allow more data by clicking on the 1 GB button and setting higher. this will allow more ram and memory to be allocated to minecraft.
  11. try hitting the options button at the start of the technic launcher near login then select more data. also this used to happen to me and i found a solution for it but cant remember where it is, i think it was that my comp was preset to not allow a dump of some sort then minecraft would do exactly what you said if i find out what it was i will post a link.
  12. have you tried running the launcher as admin. And have you messed with the .techniclauncher file at all
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