Age: 19
IGN: AdellRazh
Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned: Not that I'm aware of.
Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences): I enjoy building and socializing in Minecraft, which is hard to do in sub-par servers. Also, I figure helping a fellow Tekkiteer out is the best way to pay forward people helping me. Aside from that, I figure if I'm going to put forward the effort to make something wonderful, I might as well make it visible to the public, and there's nowhere better than a server for that. Also I'd like people to talk to/at.
Why should we except you to this server (5-6 Sentences): I have an excellent grasp of most major mods and a few minor ones, I'm willing and able to teach and learn. I work quickly and my buildings are simple yet attractive. I'm (usually) active and polite. I'm generally noncompetitive, mature, and considerate.
Have you read and studied the rules: I have indeed.
What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences): I will build the single greatest RedPower monstrosity ever conceived by man. Angels will weep. I suppose I can make some pointlessly contrived machines to do simple tasks. Maybe create a massive pipe system to transport dirt from one hole to another, forever. You know, regular Tekkit stuff. Also, I'll provide my charm and experience for the community at large.