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Posts posted by caspertheghost

  1. Hes on leopard it has java 7 its just not top priority. you have to prioritize the java version you want to be used first.

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Lion (10.7.4) doesn't even support Java 7 through the software update feature of OS X, so why on earth would Leopard (10.5.8) support Java 7 through software update.

  2. Oh do not worry. I absolutely learned my lesson, and despite what u say, I didnt ignore the girls, they ticked me off even more, rest assured I damn sure wont be trying to find people to play MC with here EVER again, I now FULLY understand that I have NO RIGHT whatso-fucking-ever to play with ANYone of the opposite without being singled out as some sort of psychotic pervert, and I also understand that, because I am married and have kids (??? I guess that's why) that I am a loser...period. I don't know what on EARTH I was thinking trying to play minecraft with ANYONE that didnt have a dick, I must be out of my fuckin mind RIGHT ?

    1. Slam your face into your desk as hard as you can.

    2. Repeat.

    Follow the above steps, and you have a brief understanding of my reaction to your posts. I can almost smell the ignorance in the air, as if it were some ever lasting stench that infests, and dirties everything around you, and your posts.

    Also, am I the only one doubting that this guy is married, and has kids? I kinda pegged the OP as more of a basement dwelling tard then a semi successful married man with kids. Please understand that if I am wrong, I don't intend to offend, Im just making an inference based off of previous encounters with the type of person I described you to be.

  3. Launcher/pack Version: Just downloaded off website, IDK

    Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5.8

    Version of Java: 1.6.0_26

    Description of Problem: Java is out of date, and I am unable to find the latest one that will work with the Technic Launcher. I used the software update, but am still getting the UnsupportedClassVersionError.

    Antivirus program: Default mac

    Error Messages:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:676)

    at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:124)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:260)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:56)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:195)

    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:317)

    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:280)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:375)

    Link to pastebin of log: In this situation, I don't think it would be any more helpful.

    So basically the problem is that I have a Mac and updated through the software update, but am still getting errors caused by out of date Java. Any help would be appreciated.

    You need java 6 to be able to run the Technic Launcher, and as far as I know, apple wont release anything beyond java 5 to leopard.

  4. If so, could someone direct me? I'm really looking forward to making this list of id's and names for Guardian, only to find out that it's been done already and I could've just copy/pasted it.

    (Also, Guardian automatically does all of the tekkit ids, except I want the id's to have names, so I'm creating a list. Even the just the item id's will make my job 10x easier.)


    The Materialistic kat,


    One badass cat II! All jokes aside, don't sign your posts. What you are looking for is the dump id map feature in NEI. Under the options menu in your inventory, click the block/item settings tab. Configure the way your id map will be saved, then dump the mapping. It should get saved into your technicssp folder.

  5. I am a proud user of a high-powered Mac with OS X 10.7.3 and java SE 6. Ever since I started to mod minecraft with the technic pack, I realized that I needed java SE 7. However, Apple only supplies java 6, so I was stuck. I looked around and eventually found this website:


    It supplies java SE 7 and jdk7 for Mac. WIN!

    Any website managers on this site, please link this in the JAVA download section of technicpack.net as It will be a lifesaver to all Mac users.

    This has been known for a while now. See http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,1938.0.html

    Oh, and also on the main page under java downloads click other. It forwards you to a page that has a link to the mac JDK 7 download.

  6. Yeah...okay, i wanted to find som girls to play minecraft with. Thats absolutely clearly a sexual innuendo. Whatever i can see MAYBE why someone would MAYBE think "wtf, why's he wanna play with chics" UNTIL i remembered i said GUYS TOO, im not bi-sexual damn. AND "IT"D BE NIC TO HAVE SOME MINECRAFT FRIENDS IN GENERAL>>>ITD BE COOL TO HAVE SOME FRIENDS TO GO FROM SERVER TO SERVER WITH...I didnt specify "a hot horny dumb slut to cyber with as we go server to server on MINECRAFT" FOD GODS sake, what do I have a fucking lego fetish or somethin people. YES IF and that is a HUUUUUUUGE I-F, someone WAS trying to pick up chicks through MINECRAFT, they either are even more addicted than I am, have NO life WHATSOEVER or do indeed have a literal pixel/block/lego fetish....UNFORTUNATELY, I really am engaged AND fighting for cutody, and hoping my first wife will be a DISTANT fucking memory SOMETIME VERY SOON, my fiance JUST got back from a 2 week trip and I got SO many relationship related problems, even the IDEA of any new ones is completely ridiculous, let alone the ONLY time and place I can get away from all that, for some douchebags to assume im some degenerate loser who doesnt know how to talk a *shiver* g-g-g-ggirrrrl....well, Im sorry, but that pisses me off. On top of ALL of that, I have been friends with females more my entire life, and I am SICK of people acting like THIS, which is WHY most chix prob DID think I was some fucking loser, HOWEVER, my first post ALONE, if u REALLY read it, is NOT in ANY way absurd. Like u have NEVER been on a server and thought GOD why r all these DUDES arguing over NOTHING, its a macho douchbag thing where none of us can be wrong, and playing with females, for WHATEVER reason doesnt seem to end up that way. Every one of us need ta grow up a lil I think. This thread IS ridiculous, despite my inetentions, the reactions were absurd either fuckin way...I guess like evryone else, I will have to just accept that i have NO RIGHT to play with the opposite sex without people assuming Im trying to get in their pants via the fuckin internet. Just like I will probably never be able to have female friends IRL either or else it will mean I want to date them too right ? And I suppose if a chic WANTS to say...play a sport with me its ONLY because shes a lesbo and IM trying to rub up against her right ? THIS IS RIDICULOUS

    My eyes! Oh god my eyes! In all seriousness, a little investment in grammar goes a long way.

  7. 2 good ways.

    Have some command plugin like essentials or commandbook, they have tp commands that let you tp to other worlds, or you can define warps in different worlds and just use those.

    Use multiverse portals, it lets you create portals that can teleport you to other portals, which can be in other worlds.

    This, although for my server I prefer to use multiverse core in tandem with Voxel Port. Just me though.

  8. look at it carefully as well post the entire crash log, w/o anymore information its going to be hard to help you.

    but betting that its a block ID Conflict

    Its most definatly not a block ID conflict. Op, your computer seems to be running a bit slow. Go down to your local coffee shop, and grab yourself seven cups of good ol' java. Re-fill the coffee resevoir inside your computer, and give it a good shake. The 6 more error you are getting is nothing more then a warning from your computer saying it needs at least 6 more cups of coffee for it to run properly. Follow the above steps and you should be set.

  9. As I stated in the subject, I would like to know if Tekkit has permission from every modder, or else it could be a legal problem towards my server. Thank you for the information in advance.

    Its all one giant grey zone. Not all of the mods in Tekkit are used with permission from their respective developers, but then again, those mods are modifications of minecraft code without permission on Mojang's part, which is illegal. In the end, no one can bust you for anything except for Mojang, and I would love to see how that court case would go. Mojang going after individual users of mods is NOT going to happen. I wouldn't worry about getting in legal trouble over hosting a Tekkit server OP. No one will give a two penny fuck about your rinky dink Tekkit server, and the legalities revolving around it .

  10. Alright so I've been playing with the technic pack for a short time and I've seen a few videos on how to do this but I'd rather be clear than screw something up while trying because I did one thing wrong so here goes. I want to install iChun's Portal gun mod and have been told to just drop it into the modpack file, or the minecraft file, so I'd like that clarifying. As a second question if I do have to install it into the minecraft jar do I have to install the redundant mods also like forgeAPI and Risugami's? I used to use minecrafter so I've yet to really learn how to manually install mods. Thanks for the help.

    Never install mods into the minecraft.jar when using the technic pack. The minecraft.jar, and the modpack.jar merge on launch, so installing anything into the minecraft.jar will just fuck stuff up.

    TL;DR Install any base class editing mods into the modpack.jar.

    Last but not least, back your shit up! Im totally not responsible for your stuff breaking.

  11. im running the latest java and all up dated to the best of 10.5.8

    and it comes up with

    Check the action?s properties and try running the workflow again.

    can you please help i really want it

    please tell me if it is only for 10.6 up for mac i wish it was for mine as well

    Since you were already made fun of by an admin, and a mod I wont even bother. The Technic Pack doesnt work on OSX 10.5.8 and lower. Partially because the launcher tool I made was written with Lion in mind, not Leopard, and also because the jar file itself requires at least java 6. Upgrade, or perish. Sorry bud.

  12. Please help i want to play the epicness (and yes that is a word) Of Technic 1.2.5!

    Technic 7.x has mods built with Java 7 meaning that you need java 7 installed to be able to run them. Unfortunately, running the Technic pack with JDK 7 installed on your Mac doesn't really work. If my memory serves me correctly, saintnicster was working on a fix for this issue. Im not sure how far he got though, because its still not working for me.

    TL;DR Shits broke for us Mac users.

  13. I Need Help Please I Have Been Looking For The Right Version Of Hawkeye That Will Work With The Tekkit 2.1.1 Server Can Anyone Please Tell Me Witch One To Download

    You Do Know That You Don't Need A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of Each Word In A Sentence Right? Its actually incredibly difficult to type like that. Clear up your post, then you might find the help that you are looking for. Ill give you a hint though. Tekkit uses build 1.1 R4.

  14. 1. Not all mods are ported to 1.2.5, being that RP2 and IC2 (if you don't know what those are you should not be posting on this forum) have only recently been ported, the hard work on making all mods compatible server-side has just begun.

    Red Power 2 has been ported, but not released officially. As for Industrial Craft 2, there has been a stable 1.2.5 Bukkit port out for a while now.

  15. It only lets you go in Offline mode if you have no internet and you have logged into that account on that Computer Before.

    You guys clearly don't know what the OP is talking about, but I can't blame you he didn't exactly say. The OP is talking about the Mac version of the launcher. When I made it, I totally spaced on an offline mode, someone mentioned it, and I fixed it. The only problem was that the updated version never made the home page. If the OP downloads the fixed version that I posted a link for he will be fine. Either that, or he grabs the jar version. OP if your reading this, its up to you which version you choose, but keep in mind that the application I engineered keeps your launcher up to date. If you grab the jar, you need to come back here and re-download the jar every time something updates. Just something to keep in mind.

  16. Is there a reason why were using BC 2.2.14 instead of BC 3.1.5 ? Also why isnt the BC IC crossover mod isn't installed by this point?

    [img width=800]

    Thats why. Buildcraft hasn't been ported past 2.2.14. As for the power converter mod, I'm not entirely sure.

  17. Alright man, thanks alot!!! Would it be fine if my Plugin list, as of now, is choptree, commandbook, diskdrivefix, essentials, lwc, recipemanager, worldguard, and worldedit? Would that all work with GM and will it take time to right the perms?

    All of those plugins work just fine with GM, and the time it takes for writing the perms really depends. You can also change all aspects of the config YAML files in game, so you can always change stuff on the go.

  18. So would Group Manager be the plugin to use instead of PEX or Permissions, or whatever else there is?

    PEX is an alternative to GM. As well as bperms, and a few others. In the end it really just boils down to personal preference, and since I've been using GM for a very long time, I like it more then some of the alternatives. Also GM comes with Essentials permission nodes pre-defined for some of the groups since its made by the same dev(s) as that of Essentials.

  19. I'm in the need of help with some permission files for my server. I am unsure of what permission plugin what to use, and how then to set it up. I got essentials on and it is saying that I cannot do certain commands as a new player, such as /spawn or /sethome. I am also not sure on how to add different ranks to the players. Don't be mad if i didn't post this in the bug board, cuz this is not a bug, just me being dumb at permissions. Please help me!!!

    Group Manager works well with Essentials, and is pretty easy to set up.

    the GM wiki can be found here.

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