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Posts posted by caspertheghost

  1. I have the same problem.

    I have a macbook with OSX 10.5.8.

    I downloaded the osx launcher, then clicked on it to unzip it and got the Technic_Launcher with the icon.

    When I double click on it nothing happens for about 5 seconds and the I get a small window with the text: The action “Run AppleScript” encountered an error. Check the action's properties and try running the workflow again.

    Also, I went to my Library Folder and then to the Application Support Folder and then there should be a Technik Launcher Folder, but it isn't there or anywhere else on my computer.

    I have no idea what this means and I don't know how to fix this.

    Can anyone help us?

    If you need any additional information, just ask.

    EDIT: Download the launcher again, i pushed out an update that should fix our problem.

  2. Really? mine just white screens on the launcher and the server doesn't run.

    Check out my stickied thread for a fix.


    Hey everyone!

    Now i know your all going to read the title and i will be subject to abuse such as


    Kindly refrain from doing so.. I dont like hamachi... Im paranoid its trying to take over my network... On all the time...

    But seeing as i have an annoying dynamic IP address and an uncooperative router ive turned to the dark side...

    Does anyone know how i can set up a hamachi tekkit server?

    Thanks so much for your help!


    You check my thread too. Just follow the tut to set up your server, and plug in your hamachi ip into your server.props file.

  3. I have 8 gigs of ram in my computer and my server has lots of lag; I thought if I allocated more ram to it, it would have less lag. However I cannot figure out how to allocate more ram to it. Please Help Me!!

    P.S. A Tekkit server launcher like the new Technic launcher would be nice.

    Open your launch.bat with text edit and replace the first line with this

    java -Xmx5G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui

    This will allocate 5GB of RAM for your server, which leave 2GB for tekkit, and 1GB for your OS.

  4. Re: How are you supposed to create a tekkit server on mac?

    Hi, sorry if in the wrong section but i have an annoying question to ask,

    How on earth do i create the server on mac or how to run it coz i install it then i dunno what to do,

    Sorry to be a pain but please give me an answer,

    Many Thanks


    Oh yeh also if anyone has one readymade 4 mac could u send it :)

    EDIT: I made a video for the visual learners out there (I know you exist ¬¬)

    Download this file


    Then, open terminal (search for it in spotlight if you don't already know how to open it) and type "chmod a+x " (don't type the quotes) and drag your LaunchServer.command file that you downloaded into the open terminal window and press return.

    Next, you need to place your Tekkit_Server_2 folder onto your desktop.

    Now you need to config your server.properties file (inside your Tekkit_Server_2 folder) .

    Right click server.proberties and then go to open with > other...

    Find text edit in the list of apps and open server.properties with text edit.

    Make sure you change the server ip field to point to your computers ip (you can find it in System Preferences > Network >Advanced >TCP/IP).

    Port forward your router if you need too (Im so not writing a tut on this because there are already millions).

    Now you can mess with any other settings in the server.properties file, and when your done save and exit.

    If you feel so inclined you can also edit other mod cfg files (also not going into detail on this) just right click and open with text edit like you did before.

    And for the finale, double click the LaunchServer.command file and if all went as planned your server should start.

    If there are any errors with this someone please let me know because i typed this from memory...

    Good Luck!

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