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Posts posted by caspertheghost

  1. Not that I want to encourage this shit, but there is not a bukkit port for redpower until eloraam decides to give permission for the people who ported it to release it. That isn't to say that you can't find a port somewhere...

    As far as I know, the ports released by Maeyanie, and symsystem were pretty buggy anyways. Its possible that the computer aspect of RedPower has some problems when trying to port to SMP, and Eloraam knows this and she won't allow a port to be released until she fixes things with her code. TL;DR Wait for Eloraam to update RedPower then look for a port. Thats all just speculation by the way. I have no idea whats keeping RedPower from being ported, but that would be my guess.

  2. Honestly, it'd be one of the greatest new mods in 3.0.0 but I doubt it'll be included. It's VERY buggy as of right now, unfortunately.

    Meh, its not too bad.

    Bugs copied directly from the MCPortcentral post.

    laggy pathing(server side)

    unable to get off horses(possibly DrZhark's code)

    scorpion spawners only spawning green(DrZhark's code/customspawner code)

    pet locations buggy (at players feet/head)(DrZhark's code)

  3. As stated by others, there's more information available that you have chosen not to provide or don't know how to provide properly to allow us to help you.

    I haven't been 17 in awhile but it'd be nice to go back to that age...

    And regardless of how long you've been using hamachi, I don't see the point of setting up a tunnel network when you're both on the same network. Just create a normal tekkit server and have your friend connect to your internal/network IP. I don't know about you, but it doesn't make much sense to me to create virtual private networks and use complex systems when you're on the same network already. It's like building a car to drive to the cubicle adjacent to yours.

    This. Its essentially the same thing as walking all the way around the planet to get to your destination, when in all reality your destination was no more then 10 feet behind your starting point. Why go through all of that trouble?

  4. Launcher/pack Version:

    Operating System: A mac, I'm not really sure what kind though

    Version of Java: 7

    Description of Problem: When I try to open the launcher, it won't open. The OSX or whatever gives me some workflow message. The jar doesn't work either.

    For the rest of the mandatory stuff, not sure. But I've had this problem on every Mac I've tried, and heard of others having it too.

    Click the apple in the top left corner of your screen, and click about this mac. Tell me what version number you have, and I can work from there. Most likely the problem is you're on Leopard (version 10.5.x). Leopard can't run the technic pack. Sorry to say, but thats just the way it is. You need at least Snow Leopard (version 10.6.x), or higher. Preferably Lion (version 10.7.x).

  5. sorry if this in the wrong board, its verry late and I just joined

    Im haveing issues with the launcher. I download the .jar file and try to open it, but it tells me it cant launch it and to check the console for possible error messages. I have a macbook pro running 10.5.8. I have no idea whats gone wrong, can anyone help me please? D:

    Sorry to say, but the launcher doesn't run on anything below Snow Leopard (10.6.X).

  6. Launcher/pack Version:

    Operating System: Windows XP

    Version of Java: 7

    Description of Problem: Everytime i try to download a new pack From the launcher i get the message "Update Failed" I can only play packs that have been previously installed before the problem started happening. Please Help?

    Error Messages: Update Failed!

    Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/UQzx8BqN

    Edit: I am not using any of the Anti-Virus software said to have problems with the launcher like norton or AVG.

    Read the fucking stickies.


    Wow, now i feal like an ass for not reading your post compleatly. On macs its a different story, and I guess I was so tired when I wrote that, that I just glanced over the first part of the thread which was talking about java 6 and i assumed the same about windows computers.

  7. Any reason that the modder for the advanced machines ic2 desided to use java7?

    Java7 in some cases has too many security holes for some hosting sites to risk, like Multiplay forinstance.

    Rest of minecraft and the pack is running on java5 aperently.

    AtomicStryker doesnt have java 6 installed on his computer.

    Edit: Derp, he doesnt have java 6 installed, only java 7. My bad.

  8. 1.hi i have treid to get worldguard to work on my tekkit server but i get the same problem all the time when i make a region people can place blocks in the region even though it still says you dont have permission but they cant break the blocks does anyone have any alternatives for this? thanks :P

    P.s does anyone know how to blacklist items like nuke etc

    Read the friggin stickies, and post in the right section. Do those 2 things and I can guarantee you will be better off then you are now.


    That link comes at the price of being reported. Next time, try and solve your own problems before asking for help.

  9. Launcher/pack Version: 5.4.9

    Operating System: mac OSX 10.4.11

    Version of Java: 1.5.0_19

    Description of Problem: .jar and .osx launchers do not start

    Error Messages: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)

    at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:124)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:260)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:56)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:195)

    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)

    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:268)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251)

    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:319)

    Link to pastebin of log: Don't know what that means

    Your computer is too old to run the technic launcher. The launcher requires at least java 6 to run.

  10. Wow, your question is very confusing!!!

    I think you want to use the Tekkit client (on 1.1) for playing on multiple servers, using Multiverse. In your case, some of the servers have Tekkit, and some do not. If I misunderstood, let me know.

    I believe you can use the Tekkit client for playing on vanilla servers, but I'm pretty sure it won't work if the vanilla servers have 1.2.x. It doesn't matter if the worlds were generated with 1.1 or not.

    You misunderstood OP's post. He's talking about running his server with the Multiverse plugin. It allows for multiple maps on one server, and teleportation between the new maps you generate.

    After a little bit of research, the latest build of Multiverse should work for your server OP. If it doesn't, just downgrade to an earlier version.

  11. Yes i was logged in and im logged in now and i tryed but it still didnt work, I am running on th newest Mac OS X Version 10.5.8. And thankyou.

    10.5.8 is not the newest version, 10.7.3 is. My launcher application will not work on 10.5.8, only on 10.6 or higher, and as for the jar launcher, I think it also depends on Java SE 6, and Leopard (10.5.8) can only run java SE 5. It looks like your screwed on both fronts. Sorry.

  12. Im new to this technic thing but i watched videos and figured out how to do it but after i downloaded the mac version and jar verision(both didnt work) i tryed opening it and it didnt work. it said "The action "Run applescript" encountered a error." Please help I would really appreciate it!

    I need more information to be able to help you. Were you connected to the internet when you started the launcher? What version of OS X do you have? Answer those 2 questions and I might be able to help.

  13. Thanks Casper.

    I just did a diagnostic test and I see what you did. When I boot it up without internet there's a lovely popup that informs me that it cannot reach the Technic site and will continue in offline mode. Then it proceeds to load as normal (as I've seen it before). This popup doesn't appear when I'm connected to the Internet.

    It's really cool that I can see that you've edited it! And thumbs up for a wicked fast response and solution. I'll call out for your help on the forums from now on for all my mac bugs (hopefully there wont' be any :D).

    Im glad to be of service, and just a heads up, but I'm adding a whole bunch of new features soon, so look forward to those >:]

  14. I got the "Run AppleScript" error. I am running Mac OS X 10.5.8 and really want to use this mod pack. PLEASE HELP

    This app will not work on anything lower then Snow. Sorry, but I don't have Leopard anymore so I can't write an app compatible for Leopard.

    Oh, and to clarify, my launcher .app file is on my Desktop *not* in the Downloads folder. Moving it into Downloads and running it there doesn't help either.

    Did you download the latest launcher I linked you to? That should work even if your offline. The problem was that every time you launched the app it would download, and check the MD5 of the latest launcher against the MD5 of the launcher your using now. I didn't tell the app what to do if there wasn't an internet connection, so it spat out an error and stopped running. The new app should have a fix for this.

  15. Is it just me, or does this not create any editable files? (I'm trying to allow cheat mode on NEI)

    Or am I just installing it wrong? I'm basically dowloading and running from my downloaded folder.

    The launcher should allow for files to be edited. Im not sure whats up, but if you still need help hit me up on Skype.

    Skype: caspertheghost359

  16. I just encountered this problem a few minutes ago, and a quick Google search brought me here.

    I am running OSX Lion - 10.7.3

    I have my java preferences set to 64 on top.

    I downloaded a brand new version of the launcher last night after a saving chunks error and it was working fine.

    I booted it up today without an Internet connection (I doubt that's relevant) at first and got the error message. Then tried again after turning the Internet back on again.

    I'm totally mystified as to what this might be, but I would appreciate any advice. I've been able to solve all errors with the technic pack from these forums so far, so I know this is the best place.

    The launcher that I made has some bugs, and not working without an internet connection is one. The Technic team hasn't uploaded the latest version of my launcher to their site yet, so use this temporary link for now.


    That version should fix any problems your having with not being able to play while offline.

  17. I think one problem might be that if you put the .app in any place that has any space in the path at all, there is a work flow error. Also cheepshot, how do you get the launcher to work on Java 7 for mac? I have Java 7, but it can't read the natives.

    I fixed the error that you would get if there was a space anywhere in the filepath to the app. Just re-download it if you want the fixed version, and i dont think the open JDK 7 that oracle released can launch the technic launcher.

  18. I downloaded the technic launcher from the link you provided.

    And when I double click on the jar file I get the error message that the launcher could not be launched and that I should check the console for possible error messages.

    Ok its your OS then. The problem is the Technic Launcher was compiled on Java 6, and last I checked, Leopard cant go above Java 5. The only solution I can come up with, would be to update your OS.

  19. I dont have many, but i have enough to supply a few people

    Way to avoid steelcryo's question. The answer will probably be no, seeing as there is no way to test the legitimacy of how you obtained these accounts. If you did obtain these accounts illegitimately (I.E. Cracking accounts), and the Techinc Team allowed you to re-distribute these stolen accounts on there website, they could be held liable. Also, even if these accounts were legitimately obtained, and you could provide proof of that (I.E Paypal receipts), it would STILL be considered a violation of their (Mojang's) ToS, because you would be distributing a means of downloading their (Mojang's) files to people who didn't pay for the files. Its the same kind of thing as sharing serial numbers for applications. Its like asking YouTube to host the serial numbers for video editing software on their front page, "just so people can have fun". Its nonsensical, and moronic to ask.

    EDIT: Oh, and who else thinks we need a nominate for Whale Box button?

  20. http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/installation/windows-installer/

    Is google really that hard to use? Buildcraft have an installer on their own website ffs.

    i've followed tutorials and instructions for mac to the word, and it still doesn't work.

    Are your eyes really that hard to use? That installer is for Windows not Mac ffs.

    On topic: The problem that your probably having is that your not re-compressing the minecraft.jar correctly. When you install Risugami's ModLoader, there is a section that tells you how to do it on a Mac. Instead of just copying the ModLoader files into your mctemp folder and re-compressing via terminal, copy all of the parts of the mods that you need to into your mctemp folder (as if it were your minecraft.jar). Make sure you install all of the mods into their appropriate places, THEN re-compress via terminal. This should fix your problems.

  21. I use a mac too and I know what you're talking about. Same reason I got mine. Really though, you'd think something developed on Java (minecraft) would run a little better cross platform but NOTCH.

    For the record though, I'm pretty much the "Mac Tester" and I don't have this issue at all. Have you tried looking at the JAVA links on www.technicpack.net ? I believe there is some sort of link for mac users. "others" maybe.

    Just a heads up Cheap Shot, but Freya is talking about the auto-updater app that I made, not the normal Technic-Launcher.jar. Him updating his Java won't do anything to fix my app, because it wasn't written in Java. Although, just for the sake of thoroughness. Freya, give This a download. Its the latest release of the Technic launcher jar file. If that doesn't work, then you probably should update your Java.

    I have looked at the java links you suggested, yesterday.

    But I couldn't really find my way there.

    There are a lot of links there, so I just searched on the web instead.

    Can you tell me what version of java I need?

    I don't have the most recent OSX version though, I have 10.5.8 .

    Thats probably your problem. I wrote this app on Lion, and some of the commands that are used by the app are probably Lion/Snow Leopard dependent. What you can do for now is just download the jar and manually update it whenever the Technic Team pushes out a new update, or you can try and update to at least Snow Leopard (preferably Lion). Both solutions are of some inconvenience to you I know, but I don't have Leopard anymore so I can't write a version of my app that will work on 10.5.8. Sorry for the troubles.

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