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Everything posted by steelcryo

  1. http://wiki.bukkit.org/Setting_Up_Bukkit_Permissions that should tell you what to do, and yes there is a MC 1.1 version, I used it on my server.
  2. Not sure what you are asking here. Permissions for what? Players or mods? For players put a permissions plugin on the server if you want custom ones not just op perms then configure the permissions however the plugin tells you. For mods just put [modname] into your ops.txt I'm guessing one of those two is the right answer to your oh so informative question :P
  3. My eyes don't work when i've just woken up lol my appologies, I just skim read and skipped the mac bit :p
  4. Mind me asking exactly how/why you have so many accounts?
  5. http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/installation/windows-installer/ Is google really that hard to use? Buildcraft have an installer on their own website ffs.
  6. Aye just disable your anti virus and boot the launcher, once its downloaded everything you should be able to reactivate your anti virus without too many problems.
  7. Sounds like my sister and the sims...
  8. From the very limited information you've given us the only thing I can suggest is turn off the firewall on the box hosting the server as that may be blocking you. Once that is off if you can connect you need to find out why it is blocking you. If that doesn't work then from what you have said I can't help you without more info... Also be careful of your attitude on here, people won't appreciate you getting snappy when you aren't even following the forum rules yourself
  9. what plugins are you running along side tekkit? Are they all updated to the correct version for the CB version you are running? I've seen a few people using 1.2.3 bukkit mods when tekkit is only 1.1 which has caused some problems. Try removing all your plugins and playing bare bones and see if that happens, if so then try a fresh install of tekkit.
  10. disable all your antivirus/firewall before launching it
  11. it's the only one I have found so far
  12. Go into your server files. Find your world folder (may be named something else if you have renamed your world). Go in there and find the players folder. Find your username and delete the file. This will cause you to lose your world point (where you log in) and any items you are carry but it's the only fix i know to null pointer errors.
  13. if you are using avg, kill it, preferably with fire. Avg + Technic = not always friends.
  14. disable avg if you have it and see if that works. Try launching the .jar inside your .techniclauncher folder Check java problems
  15. Try installing 64 bit java
  16. go into your .techniclauncher folder and run the .jar in there and see if it works that way. If not you may be using avg antivirus which apprently hates the technic launcher, disable that and try again. If that fails too, it may be a java or .net problem.
  17. depends on the system being overclocked. If you have loads of other resources not being used (RAM being the main one) and find that your CPU is being quite highly taxed, overclocking can be great. Just be careful, overclocking will cause your CPU to run a lot hotter so if you don't have sufficient cooling you can wave your CPU goodbye. Then again, unless you are running processing intense programs like media editing or rendering programs you shouldn't need a processor that runs faster than 3.4ghz imo.
  18. Not sure why you have such a bad attitude. The OP came here asking for help (weirdly that's what these forums are for) and you berate him. Did you go to school? If so then you should have bitched at your teacher for spoon feeding you knowledge.... I'm not posting this just to be rude, just to point out that asking for help is the best way to get things done if you are stuck. I hadn't even heard of the midas program before this thread and I doubt the OP had either. Why spend more than half an hour googling for something and getting no results when you could ask a group of people who might be able to help you? Sounds like a waste of time if you ask me. Also to the OP, if you manage to get a world converter, I'd suggest using world edit or voxelsniper (not sure if VS works with tekkit) to create random pockets of dirt in the world. With world edit you can easily use the //replacenear command or //set command to change areas into dirt at random locations :)
  19. Check your mixer settings (on windows 7 click on the speaker icon in your tray) and see if tekkit is showing there once you are ingame. Double check that your sound is turned on ingame and turned up in settings and look in mixer if it appears, if it is then look to see if it is registering sound coming from the program (should be a little bar flicking up and down under the tekkit icon in the mixer). If it isn't appearing it is either producing no sound or it is coming through a different sound device. Check your windows settings to see what output devices you have got active, close down any you aren't using so only your speakers or headset is active then restart tekkit. It should now default to outputting through your only active output device. If that doesn't work, I have no idea.
  20. This could me multiple reasons, the most likely two are yours or the servers connection is playing up (A few people have said they have resolved this error by doing things like swapping from wireless to wired connections or swapping providers).
  21. There is an item called chunk loader (Keeps the chunk its placed in loaded), the teleports only work if the chunks they are in are loaded. Try sticking a chunk loader down next to the receiving pipe then standing next to the outgoing pipe and see if it still breaks. Chances are the receiving end is just unloading as you move away from it so there is no where for the items to go.
  22. That hurt my eyes to read.... ouch You won't get much help typing things like that as most people will just ignore it. I'll take a go at what you mean. When you connect as player1 you collect some items, but then when you disconnect and reconnect as a different player, ie player3, you don't have the items you had originally. If you have internet could you not host the server live so everyone can authenticate with MC.net but then have people connect via lan?
  23. Is there any good flymods (like zombes) that I could get to work with technic/tekkit? I run a server and moving around as admin in creative mode flying is so painful after being able to use zombe mod on our normal bukkit server. Any suggestions?
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