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Everything posted by Donmon

  1. http://thaumcraft2.wikispaces.com/ This is for the ones with google-fobia. I know it's kinda ''mysterious'' but the maker intented it to be so.
  2. So it's like a bank acount with where you can retrieve money at ATMs?
  3. They shouldn't update. It's all fine and working now. When they update it we will experience a flood of "TEEEEEEEEEECHNIC IS NOT WORKING AGAIN FIX IT JEB GOSH U SO STUUPID'' threads. What they should do is look at more mods and do a poll on which mods aren't being used and which are. That's the way we should keep the Technic Pack fresh and new. Or adding new features as composing your own modpack for PERSONAL use. (the modders already hate us, let's not make it worse!) Or like making an ''offical'' Technic Pack texture pack. And you could go on like that for hours! We don't need the silly real minecraft updates, we need more Technic Pack!
  4. Wait... explain to me, what is and does an enderchest?
  5. Long list starts here: Rammstein: Metallica: Flyleaf: Black Eyed Peas (old songs only): Eminem: Chuckie: 1up: Angerfist: Paul Elstak: This covers my main artists there are many other ones but these one are my favorites. I won't react to people saying about my bad music taste sorry :-).
  6. Donmon


    The only thing I will be buying from Alienware is the outside. They are so epic.
  7. I just found out how the world will end. Quarries from space.
  8. Ah yes, that'll be a much smaller project :-), also quarries in space don't do so well .
  9. IndustrialMiner, I'll see you back in a year when you finished that! :D
  10. As the post said, post your building ideas here! I'll start: A fully functionating powered metro under my city. A giant factory wich powers itself and that the end result will be diamond blocks.
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