IGN: enemypotato
Have you ever been banned from a server: no never. i am always a helpful and active member of the community.
What will you do on the server: i choose to make friends on servers i play on and build a community around that. i love tekkit and all of its features and thats why i look for servers with no banned items. i will help and support players around me while still aiming to reach the 'endgame' so i can build a small town with the basics to help a new player of my choice (i always do this, i like to leave my mark on a server) ( postive mark (: )
What do are admins going to look for when you join: I've been known to help people in need. I've become an Admin/Moderator in a few minor servers due to my willingness to help new players. However, ignorant , pre-pubescent players that scream in the chat really get on my nerves. I choose to ignore them
Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server: i love tekkit servers and i aim to find servers with a white list as i am not fond of overpopulated servers where it is donate to become the most powerful. i like to challenge myself and build,explore and discover to become a powerful player with all the latest and greatest items and armour.