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Everything posted by Gunre

  1. I just tested it and at least the block breaker blacklist takes a comma delimited list, e.g. "1,4"
  2. Blarg! I finally found 2 solutions, and I feel stupid. I dont know how I missed this in the redpower2 config file, but there are options for blacklists for both the deployer and block breaker. Also, if you set fakeplayer login to 1, then PEX will finally be able to 'see' the [redpower] user and apply modifyworld permissions to it.
  3. My brain has slightly melted after hours trying to research a solution for this, so I'm just going to post it here and see if anyone knows a fix. I want to ban an machine type block. It doesnt matter what, but for this example lets say the EE Condenser. I can turn off the condender in ee_props, use modifyworld to ban a player form crafting, having, or interacting with it. Fine, a player cant craft it themselves, and if theres one in the world they cant interact with it with right click. BUT, a player could still put down an automatic crafting table, use it to craft the Condenser, pipe the output to a deployer, deploy the Condenser block, then put items in and get items out using pipes or other appropriate machines. So, I don't want to ban the auto crafting table, and I don't want to ban the deployer. Is there any way to add permissions to what the deployer can do? Either with modifyworld or with another plugin? The simple solution is to just ban the deployer or auto crafting table, and that is what I will do if I can't find a deployer-permissions based solution.
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