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Everything posted by pds314

  1. At this point, it seems like using MFFS is the most practical option, and probably the only practical option. Problem is that if you allow MFFS, you have indestructible shield bubbles. Hmm.... unless someone here can explain how creating plasma from a fusion reactor works, and if there is a way to shoot it.
  2. I haven't figured those out yet. The matter cannon doesn't want to load any shots in.
  3. I'm fairly completely new to many of the mods in this incarnation of Tekkit, and was trying to make a battleship using RIM, and I've determined that, barring MFFS fields, very little can do any damage to Obsidian. I'm using the 1.2.10cx, and thus far.... 1. I've discovered that Plasma can wreck almost anything besides electromagnetic shielding, Obsidian included, but unfortunately, I don't even know how to properly generate it, and weaponizing it at range seems extraordinarily difficult. 2. IC2 is gone, and EE2 is dead-as-a-doornail, and ICBM seems to be conspicuously missing, so there don't seem to be nukes or near-nukes in the game, or mining lasers, for that matter. 3. Antimatter allegedly explodes violently when thrown, but thus far, I don't see it doing that. 4. Vanilla TNT cart "nukes" are unlikely powerful enough to break Obsidian. 5. Mining turtles work, but they don't cause instant destruction. At that point, just run over and mine it yourself. The only way to make a mining turtle an effective high-powered weapon would probably be to send a swarm... or to just say "F*** it all" and make them into a Von Neumann device. 6. Particle accelerator beams look like promising weapons if they can stay intact in air, but I'm not entirely sure how to make them, or control them. 7. While Pyrotheum is generally quite destructive, obsidian just gets lit on fire, not actually damaged. 8. As cool as they are, SPAMRs don't destroy obsidian. Neither do Cannons, dynamite, "fishing rods" or any other throwables I know of. So... is there any known way to make an obsidian-destroying cannon besides just using MFFS?
  4. Frame ships are actually not as tough as they might seem. The most complicated part is getting the motor compact enough to fit inside the ship and still be wired to the controls (be they computer- or lever-based) and power source. If you don't know how to build the frame-ship motors to begin with, there are some excellent tutorials on YouTube. The next thing is the forcefield. It is possible to use multiple fields, but this is inefficient considering the 1000 block limit and interior space constraints. Use a single Area projector in an easy-to-reach area to make the field and adjust the center with an MFD. Mine has a block-cutter, a camo upgrade, an inhibitor upgrade (to prevent enemies boarding or damaging it.) And an underwater upgrade. But you could change that for yours. say, switch the camo for a zapper. You also need a way to collect items, I find that using the new Redstone tube frames connected to filters along the bottom of the machine is the most effective.
  5. If this thread is in the wrong sub-forum, by all means, tell me. I have built an unusual "airship." It is a 9x9x9 RP2 frame ship which uses Block-breaking Force fields to burrow through terrain. It is a combination of RP2, IC2, ARS (Force Fields), and ComputerCraft. It currently has a shield which it uses to break blocks, which is configurable in radius and has a camouflage upgrade, it has two shields designed to be used as prisons (Break blocks to stop escape, and also have damaging walls), which, by matter of happenstance, stay in the same location so long as their generator remains on, even during ship movement, and a city-annihilation-beam quarry-beam which can near-instantly (under 15 seconds unless it is large enough to cause heavy lag) make a configurable-sized quarry (up to 65x50x65). A pic with it and two deploy-able prison cells, they were deployed at the same position relative to the ship, several meters apart relative to the ground, the ship can move without causing any interruption, however, they do constantly drain power (around 6 EU/tick between them). But, it can also go Straight. Through. Almost. Anything. In any direction by computer commands, and what's more, it collects the vast majority of it into Diamond chests using 21 filters placed along the bottom half. See a volcano? want 2 diamond chests of basalt? Voila! Done! If you use the easily accessible shield configuration to enlarge the shields to 13 meters wide (6 radius). If lag is of no concern, it should be able to plow through terrain twice per second, meaning at normal size, it plows through nearly 1 stack per second, and at extended size, nearly 4/3rds stacks per second. It is powered by either a diamond chest (for security) or mod Ender chest (for longevity using an external recharger) (easily configured and auto-replaces batteries either way) full of batteries, and a 2-chamber 10-uranium 170-EU/tick nuclear reactor capable of sustaining cloaked mode for over 6 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes and 4 seconds, or holding up a force field of 34000 cubic meters (imagine 8 65x65 plates) continuously for 10000 seconds (over 2.5 hours). The core, very slightly modified in the 9x9x9 ship around it to make easy access to chests, 7 wide (5 wide not counting wiring), 6 long and 5 tall, unlike most cores however, it includes self-replacement mechanism for the batteries, full wiring for both power and bundled cable controls, a computer connected to bundled cables, and is built with a 4-way horizontal interference design plus elevator interference design for 5th and 6th axis.. Interference designs are much easier to get unstuck, should they run in to something or try to move in two directions at once, because all engines in a given interfering unit push into and then off of the same block. They also save space because of the smaller need for frames and voidspace. The full core specs: Interference autocore mk I filter-retriever perfect battery auto-replacement Single highly accessible primary battery and chests. Computer controlled by bundled cabling. 7x5x6 Horizontal loop Interference 4-way octo-motor. Vertical double-quarter-loop Interference 2-way quad-motor. 105 cubic meters, tileable within 7x5x6, exactly 50% space efficient. The full machine specs: Maximum movement rate in air (no lag): 1.7 seconds per meter. Standard movement rate in air (very minor lag): 2 seconds per meter. Frame-motors: 12. Controllable movement directions: 6 (all). Power source: Mark-I 2-chamber 170 EU/tick 10-cell nuclear reactor and self-replacing RP2 batteries. (lasts 6.5 real-life days on smallest shields, 26 on subterranean move (limiting range to around 1100 km without uranium replacement at 0.5 m/s), and unknown, respectively) 565 cubic meters used, ~15 cubic meters required to be air to function, ~148 Cubic meters unused interior space (some of which is required for walking). 729 cubic meters volume. Clearing some flatland. We pave our roads in BEDROCK! Sloppy eater Counting times it's attempted movement until it completes its orders. Shield fully extended and disguised as dirt, 2 prisons in arbitrary locations, and previous track made. It can sustain this until it runs out of uranium in like 4 hours. Inside one of the prisons, on some makeshift construction so I don't get zapped . Soo... what do you think? I have searched thoroughly and I am pretty sure that this is the first published thing to use Force Fields for omnidirectional annihiliation tunnel-boring or death rays ranged industrial digging from a UFO Flying Quarry. Anyone else got something like this? suggestions for improvements? ways of easily defeating in battle mining capability. No EE2, that isn't part of Tekkit Lite. EDIT: Will post schematic and video of world-destroying Resource Gathering and Apocalyptic Invaluable mining beam... later.
  6. I think he is asking if it can push a giant pole, I believe the limit on that is like 200 meters or so. It may not exist though.
  7. Was interested, saw entry fee, was no longer interested, could join fyreuk for that.
  8. Admin on my own short term servers, I know tekkit classic like the back of my hand, save for rp2 computers (the FORTH ones, not the LUA computercraft ones). I might not be on all that much, but some. Also, creative or survival?
  9. Cobble gens and water bucket gens are extremely slow to gain EMC. The problem with string is that it can be made into diamond. Mooshroom milkers are utterly(no pun intended) absurd. My friend made a 5x3x5 one, tilable to 5x4x5, that gains a diamond every 6.4 seconds, over 9 diamonds a minute, or a redmatter in 6 minutes. He made an array of HV solar arrays, then a large amount of quantum stuff. also, keeping a cow in a cage, milking 5 metric tonnes out of it PER SECOND using a giant pincer machine isn't exactly nice to the cow...
  10. I have thought of this too, and there is really no reason not to make an experimental "Rotary frame motor" or whatnot. Just make it cost similar to a frame motor (maybe even use one as the primary crafting ingredient) and auto-rotate all RedPower2 blocks, it could then be updated for Tekkit/Technic compatibility and rotate anythings else that is rotatable in a meaningful and consistent way (not really sure if anything else comes to mind other than mine-rails) Basically, it rotates a frame machine 90 degrees along the output face, assuming nothing is in the position it is rotating into. it would center on the rotator(the only block that stays still, and teleport eveything else 90 degrees, including entities) it would also make a way to travel VERY fast across the minecraft landscape in a sort of spinning flying saucer, potentially up to 100 meters per second or faster if it had a delay of 0.8 seconds. Other Idea I had was frame rockets, they would store a speed value and have a delay between 1-block jumps that was inversely proportional to that value. they could also get to multiple-block jumps past a certain speed. any time the value changed, it would be sent to all co-moving rockets. they would be crafted using some combination of a filter or retriever or both, and a special rocket nozzle, as well as some metal plating of whatever type (maybe iron or brass). they would burn fuel of various types, gunpowder, blaze powder, etc, and increase the speed value in their direction (which would apply to all other rockets, and be changed inversely proportionally to the overall number of blocks being moved) they might be able to use multiple materials at once as well, in a similar manner to an alloy furnace. they would also generate a heat value, when they burned something they could use, which would happen instantly. they would lose 1% of their heat every 4 ticks, and burn out (read: explode violently at power 5 or 6 or greater and light things on fire) at 1000 heat. they would also lose 1% of their speed every 4 ticks. THEY COULD burn entire or partial stacks of items at once, though they might gain much heat from doing so. They would also be able to burn coolant as opposed to fuel, the same, except it removes heat and generates no thrust. coolant items (negative heat values) would take a certain amount of time per item before being used, this amount would be inversely proportional to the amount of heat available. also, there would be exactly two fuel slots and 1 coolant slot, only 1 item of coolant could be consumed at once, but most fuels could be consumed up to 2 stacks at a time. recommended items usable: gunpowder: 50 heat and 3 blocks*meter/t TNT: 200 heat and 15 blocks*meter/t water bucket: -10 heat in 500/heat ticks and sends empty bucket out back (or into a pneumatic tube) when finished snow balls: -2 heat in 50/heat ticks. snow block: -8 heat in 200/heat ticks. ice block: -20 heat in 2000/heat ticks. Blaze powder and coal at once: 150 heat and 8 blocks*meter/t, 1 pair/tick Redstone and Nikolite at once: 50 heat and 5 blocks*meter/t, 1 pair/tick Glowstone dust and 3*Nikolite at once: 100 heat and 30 blocks*meter/t, 1 pair/tick
  11. but it would require me to click "run this time," assuming it is set to ask.
  12. Things that will kill the landscape: Nukes ITNT normal TNT if Equivalent Exchange 2 is enabled, as EE2 allows conversion of enough of anything into TNT (or diamonds, or nearly whatever else), 1 diamond is worth around 8 TNT. 6-axis flying quarry machines using force-fields or block-breakers, but they just mine it away in a precise fashion, costing a, mostly, appropriate amount of resources. while not all that deadly to terrain under most conditions, mining lasers set to "explode," "scatter" or "long-range" do a lot of damage, long range makes a long hole, in fact, if pointed down, it will likely kill the firer from fall damage. Explode makes a small area be exploded, when fired rapidly, allows for quick and efficient mountain-crushing. or jagged tunnel boring. when set to scatter, it will leave 25 pock-marked holes in the ground, rather annoying to clean up, and certainly the messiest mode of all. scatter, however, will completely consume the mining laser's energy in 20 shots, the other two, in 40, normally, it will be able to fire many more shots 500 or so per charge (which is 200,000 EU). Nova catalyst, pretty much slightly more destructive ITNT, but with no lag caused by drops, equivalent explosion power is slightly more than ITNT, but basically, it is equal exchange TNT. Nova cataclysm, in between the power of nukes and TNT, often considered to be the "nuke" of EE2, but it is significantly less powerful than the default blast power of a nuke, about half the blast radius underground. like a nuke however, it is capable of destroying water, has roughly half the underground explosion cavity diameter of a nuke, nukes have 20-21, where as Nova cataclysms have only 10 or so. In terms of block damage, nova cataclysms can destroy obsidian, but fail to break reinforced stone at point-blank. They get through 2 layers of end-stone or basalt bricks. but fail to penetrate a third. however, under the same conditions, the nuke got through 1 layer of reinforced stone, broke the obsidian 2 layers deep, as it did with the end-stone, but rather perplexingly, it got through 4 layers of basalt brick. The catalytic lens and the destruction catalyst are extremely powerful, able to break a 3x3x64 or 3x3x16 at full power setting, this costs a few glow-stone dust, but since they drop nice black orbs full of items, it is easily worth it. it can also go through, albeit not break, obsidian or bedrock, meaning an impenetrable obsidian wall 64 blocks from any structures would be needed to avoid grief, this is unlikely to be practical. Hypothetically, one could use mass-fabricators as an intermediate-level bomb, in practice, however, they are far too expensive, as is the HV transformer used to generate the 2048-EU packet. Mass-fabs destroy an area similar to Nova cataclysms. be warned that any EU-packet bigger than 512 EU WILL destroy a mass-fab, regardless of how few packets are actually sent per tick. There is a force-field upgrade for tube or area fields that destroys liquids inside it, meaning it is possible to cheaply get rid of large sections of ocean terrain all at once, up to an area of 64x64 square. there is also one to destroy the blocks the field intersects, meaning mass areas can be mined somewhat quickly, albeit with a high energy cost. build craft quarries slowly mine a quarry out, so it is possible for one to destroy a large area, albeit over the course of many real-life hours and at a high energy cost. mining turtles can do the same, again, they break a block at a time, so they aren't fast. but they run for free, and cost little more than a diamond pick, some iron, and some lines of LUA code. Dynamite is like throwable TNT, and there are 3 different kinds from two different mods. Nuclear reactors can meltdown, then potentially explode afterwards, they make an explosion that can reach a size larger than a nuke's. If badly designed, nuclear reactors can easily meltdown in less than an hour, if designed as a bomb, they may meltdown in less than a minute!
  13. yes, I am saying, it may still require me to to click on the button in Chrome that says "Run this time" or the one that says "Always run on this site" and windows defender or whatever might say: "do you want run this random ".jar" thing that randomly decided to run?" Think about what happens if said security features are on and you try running Vanilla MC online or not.
  14. would it not require the malicious program downloaded to pass the various security checks required to run a program? and also require me to run an unknown applet?
  15. indeed, god WILL be with you, in the form of someone with: A): enough power at their disposal to charge a BatBox IN ONE TICK. : a swiftwolf's rending gale, and the ability to fly. C): BOTH a quantum suit and gem armor, costing both 300,000,000 EU and 300,000,000 EMC and giving them the ability to survive several nukes at point-blank D): ANY and EVERY weapon in the game. muskets, cannons, the dreaded archangel's smite (as well as the fire version), nukes, dual-force-field + frame solar-powered world-annihilator devices, blowguns (feel your health draining straight through your protection diamond armor!), the all-powerful mining laser, and the power to control time (yes, they would have DM-pedestals.) E): a base that is designed to be literally impossible to enter without going under the bedrock and breaking through it, using High-voltage solar arrays at nuked-out bedrock level to power an array of force-fields going exactly one block past the 43-block force-field maximum damage range, with nether-side nether-portal force-fielded stuck all the way to the top of the world so nobody can teleport in like that. (yeah, I know that this would cost like 40,000 EU/tick for a larger base of this sort, they would be able to get that much, remember the insta-charging of BatBoxes I told you about? I am fully aware that HV solar arrays cost like 2.7 million EMC and a lot of EU to make, but they would have it, lenses, etc are very powerful in the long run.)
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