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Everything posted by Son588

  1. Am I going to be whitelisted or not. I would like to know.
  2. Ingame Name: son588 Age: 14 Tekkit Experience (Yes, No): Yes. Amount Played (If Yes): Around 8 months. (Yes) Tell us why you would like to play on our server (Multiple Sentences Please): Hello, thank you for having the time and reading my application. For starters, I'm a retired Tekkit server owner. I know how to operate the server, and know how to manage with bad players. I would like to join this community because; I enjoy playing on Tekkit, it introduce lots of new things to players who want more things in Minecraft. I'm advance in the game, and I understand how it works. No, I'm no newbie, dumbass, nor retarded 5 year old troll. I enjoy PvE, and that how it has an Anti-Grief. Possibly, I will have my brother, and some of my friends to write an application on this server if it's a good server. Possibly, I might think of apply for moderator, but it's your choice. Previous bans: The last, well known ban was over 8 months ago. It was really for a stupid idea, but I forgot, cause it been 8 months ago >_>.
  3. Accepted. Application is alright. Can you do a re-write, or just recopy it, and just put some capitals and periods in it? Thanks.
  4. Are you sure your 32. Cause I've seen people that are 14 and wrote way better things then this. Sorry, but you are not accepted. Accepted. Thanks for applying.
  5. Your all whitelisted!
  6. Alright, but you need more information. Good for a 10 year old ! Accepted! Wow, do you speak Portuguese? One of the admins is Portuguese. (Death649133) AND his last name is Filipe xD, so he claims your cousins or something xD. (Possibly.) Detail was good, but the Grammar was off side. Re-Write with grammar, and it would be good! (Capitals, Periods, Commas etc.) Accepted! Accepted + Your the 100th post!
  7. Whitelisted. You are not accepted. Not because of your age, but because the grammar. Thanks for applying!
  8. I'm generous enough to whitelist you. Welcome!
  9. Both accepted. Welcome!
  10. No, you are not whitelisted.
  11. Whitelisted If you can, can you please add grammar, and re-write an application. Thanks. Whitelisted. Whitelisted. Hey, it has been a long time Legacist. Is it ok if you can add more information to your post? Thanks. Server is up Btw!
  12. Whitelisted. xD. I agree. Also, the staff members are from canada, including me . Whitelisted. Whitelisted ! You are not whitelisted. BUT I will give you the option of re-writing one. Whitelisted. First batch done. I just like looking for players that are gentlemen.
  13. No, I actually forgot who xD.
  14. Whitelisted. Welcome back. New spawn, with better looks. Need to update the photos. Can your friend add a little more information? Thanks.
  15. Accepted. Sorry for the wait.
  16. If you can re-write that using grammar, you will be accepted. Thanks.
  17. I will be accepted later on in the day. I have lots of work to do :/.
  18. It is alright. But I would like you to add more information and use the original format we provide. Thanks.
  19. Retell me your username.
  20. Accepted. Thanks for applying. Our staff will not be online for 8 hours cause of classes :/.
  21. Ohh... I know your bro. He should re apply. But I guess you are whitelisted!
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