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Everything posted by Son588

  1. Accepted. Thanks for applying.
  2. Sorry, but you are not accepted. You did not add lots of information and your grammar is not our server IQ.
  3. Edit: THis can be closed, I've found the fix. It was something to do with Anti-Xray
  4. Whitelisted, but I will need you to go on the server, and tell me if the world is invisible, or not.
  5. Title: Tekkit Invisible World Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows Vista 64/86 bit, Windows 7 64 bit Java Version: Java 7/Java 6 Description of Problem: Lately, when people go on my server, they claim to be saying that the whole world is invisible. I have deleted there files, but there is no luck. We also tried restarting, changing our render distance, and it still didn't help. There isn't any Operating System because this is a problem to all of my players, and I don't know what operating system they are using. Thank you, Son588. Error Messages: No Errors, just nothing is visible. Error Log:
  6. Yeah, were getting that error alot, we are trying to fix it too :/.
  7. Lol, sorry, I forgot to whitelist you all :/
  8. Accepted. Thanks for applying. PS: I've built my computer, pretty powerful !
  9. My friends get this problem too :/!
  10. Dude, get off the forums cause non of us men want you children bothering us. What makes me deny you the most is that you got moderators and people reporting your posts >_>.
  11. Last batch of people, thanks for applying!
  12. Two things, first, Coca_man1988 is a moderator xD. And, sadly, you are not accepted. But thanks for applying!
  13. Second batch accepted. Some of you guys had some grammatical errors, but it is minimal.
  14. Even though the server is down. You will, by never, be accepted. Your grammar fails our server IQ. We do not like children like you on our server. Thank you for applying though.
  15. Sorry guys, but the server is down for work atm.
  16. "SonCraft, the new beginning has arrived!" IP: 24/7! Thank you guys for applying for my server and having lots of fun. I really enjoyed the whole fun of Tekkit, and how we enjoyed it. ATM: We will be transferring to Minecraft 1.4.2, getting new plugins, and going to be better then before. PLUS: I will start releasing my bukkit plugins I made before on the server. (Remeber: We will be going back to tekkit some time, but not going to be very soon.) If you would like to join the normal server, feel free to come on! ~Son588.
  17. I get this error, but when members of my server craft an iron shovel, any help?
  18. I have a hobby, it's to complain and rage like a child. (Jk :3)
  19. Lol, I was gone for 3 days now in Quebec, and I'm not coming back till Wednesday :/.
  20. Why does everyone reply to my posts???
  21. Hmm, possibly BeWood is on a vacation, I've last seen him on Saturday, right before I left on a vacation...
  22. InGameName: coca_man1988 About me: (brief intro to you) Hello, I am coca_man, but usually everyone calls me Coca. I am a friend of Son588, and his brother, Hadobedo, and we have been playing tekkit together for over 3 months now. We understand how Tekkit works, and how fun it can be. I really enjoy spending time with my friends and playing together on Tekkit. Location: (timezone works) EST (Eastern Canada or Us) Why Tekkitia?: Lately, my friend (school friend) server wasn't working, so Son588 found this server and applied, after he applied, he had his brother to apply. Then I wondered what servers they were on, and told me this was the server they played on. They said this server is awesome, and is worth applying, so now I am applying. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes I understand I will be banned if I break any of the rules. **This is for my friend, not me :3**
  23. Bewood, I have been having an error when I join your server. When I log on, it will go black screen, then whitescreen. But there is a fix to it, but you will need to delete my player information. (Go to your tekkit server folder, then to your world, then players, then find son588.) It will delete my items sadly, but I can tell you what I had, decide, if I lie, I will get banned. Thanks, son588!
  24. InGameName: Hadobedo About me: (brief intro to you) For starters, I am the brother of Son588. I am good at pixel art, and a good fan of Tekkit. I understand how everything works, so you don't need to worry about anything exploding xD. I played tekkit for over 3 months now, and I really enjoy the game. I am also surprised that your server has Forestry, and I really enjoy bugs etc, so I think I will enjoy this server. Location: (timezone works) Eastern Canada & Us (EST) Why Tekkitia?: My brother keeps talking about this server he got whitelisted on, and then I had a look at the server and look like it was fun to play on. It would be fun for me to join so my brother would have a partner to help him when he is trying to build something. I also know that the staff if very friendly, and helped him when he needed help (Around 1 time). Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Yes, I understand. PS: This is for my brother, not me.
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