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Everything posted by Ani2

  1. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    [by the way, I'm thinking 'Stabilisation Field'] Yeah, I'm thinking 10-15%. And in the way of cost, I'm reckoning not any fancy-schamncy new EE stuff, just a bit of Diamonds or maybe Gold. Sound good? And yes, the Stabiliser Field will stabilise the liquid EMC or whatever it's going to be into regular absorbed EMC, if that's what you're thinking. EDIT; Though we are being a bit over-optimistic about all this. From what I hear from the most major posts, it isn't even possible. And even the others say it's way out of anyone here's league. And I can't even code myself. Like I've said before, though, we're all hoping the EE revamp changes the way EMc works.
  2. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Nah duh! What sort of crazy human being creates awesome alchemical energy that isn't awesome glowing cyan?!
  3. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    That is also a good idea! Actually, I imagine that vernes' Containment Field would be a perfect match for a Stabiliser, and have it do both functions in exchange for power. This idea, as impossible as it may be, does have some good ideas to it!
  4. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Ah yes! Actually, although you say it is only an assumption, there is some real science behind the fact of the possibility of EMC being a 'plasma'. In reality, plasma, as the 'fourth state of matter', it would make a great conversion currency between Energy and Matter, as the name of EMC is Energy Matter Currency. I like that idea!
  5. Well... I like the sound of Ani2's Fusion Dispenser Plugin better than a most likely non-credited idea in the official EE.
  6. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    Whatever you do, don't go asking me about programming X3
  7. I know what this forum is for, that's one helluvan assumption you're making there. I was requesting a separate mod that did this stuff.
  8. Well, I'll get straight into it*. Idea I - Fusion Dispenser You know how in EE when a multi-shot modifier is applied to a Red Matter tool and the Red Matter tool destroys something it creates a Fusion Orb, which shatters into other items? (No idea if this happens with Dark Matter too though.) Well, basically how about some Dispenser crafted with some Uranium and Red Matter creates a Fusion Dispenser, which, when input with Redstone, absorbs every single item within its inventory, including different items, and Fuses them, spitting them out as a single Fusion Orb. Is this easy to do? Or is all of the Fusion Orb coding in the tools that create them or something complicated like that/ Idea II - Fix the Freaking RedPants! This one is painfully simple. You know how the RedPants show up as a RedChest and RedBoots when worn? Well I just want someone to fix it so the RedPants show up as RedPants. It's that simple. *You know how I always say; ? Well it's kind of ironic how every time I say this it thus makes it so I am no longer getting straight into it. Just found that sort of funny.
  9. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    Ah, fair enough. With the recipe change though, is it possible to make it so that Cake and Bread can be made of Flour but don't need to be? I think that would, in fact, be even better than my original proposed idea. Cool. Okay! However, will the Incubator still require sunlight and Fuel, or at least just fuel, or will it be for free? Okaly dokaly. Well, over all, it seems to be going okay! All that is really important is the new Wheat system and the Chicken Incubator, but the other stuff can wait, so it isn;t that urgent. But anyway, thanks!
  10. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    UPDATED; Added the basic idea for the Incubator that adds the Incubated enchantment to Eggs in exchange for direct sunlight as well as fuel like Coal.
  11. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    Heheh, thanks X3 Okay, thanks! Also, with the electricity required with the Incubator, I guess you do sort of have a point. With the whole Egg Incubation idea in general, though, basically the entire point was with realism though... But in Minecraft I guess it is quite easy to go too far with realism. I suppose at least some form of additional requirement would make sense. Actually, forget power, how about instead use standard vanilla and modded furnace fuels? It adds at least two additional requirements - the fuel and the fact that you need to put it in manually - but can still be automated with the use of pipes. Thanks for the heads-up about that though!
  12. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    UPDATED; Added an idea for better Chicken farming just because of how freaking stupid it is right now.
  13. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    UPDATED; Added improvements to animal farming as well as Wheat farming, such as Eggs being cookable into Scrambled Eggs, Cows having to wait before being re-Milked, and Sheep dropping a new meat, Mutton.
  14. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Oh well then. Over here we're all just hoping that the EE update changes the EMC system and makes this possible.
  15. Ani2

    Better Farming mod

    Really? Cool! I don't suppose something this simple could interfere with anything important, could it?
  16. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Um... That seems like a pretty trolly excitement...
  17. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Anyway, really, I think what me and my 'team' of supporters are hoping for right now is that somehow the overhaul of EE will allow for a simpler way of coding this. I somewhat doubt it though.
  18. Better Farming Now, as we all know, Technic has lacked farming somewhat since the sudden and unexpected Creeper-like blowing-up spree of Forestry and then its speedy removal. So, I'm suggesting a mod that adds some better and more realistic farming back into our favourite modpack. Now, the main thing that bugs me about Wheat farming right now is how incredibly unrealistic and thus very linear it is. Right now, I get one Wheat and generally two Seeds. What bugs me about this is that I can't use these Seeds for anything anymore but making more Wheat, which can be very agitating sometimes when one does not wish to farm Wheat any further and yet still wants rewards for the final fruits of their labour. So basically, I think Wheat should drop one Wheat when harvested. This wheat can be used for anything it can be used without this mod, except making Bread and Cakes. Why? Let me explain further. In real life, there is no such thing as simply 'Wheat', apart from the plant itself and the stalks harvested from it. These simple stalks may be somewhat able to lure animals, and nevertheless liked to be eaten by these animals, but in no way is used to make Bread or Cake. So I suggest Wheat be modded so that it is the one and only drop from Wheat plants, and that it can then be crafted into three Wheat Seeds. Wheat Seeds are just like regular Seeds, except that they are Wheaty, and the texture will be yellowed to show that they are not simply Grass seeds. They still work to lure Chickens and to plant new Wheat, but they are the cultivated form of regular Seeds and so cannot be used in any non-cultivated uses that may arise in the future for Seeds. The other reason is simple - so that wild Grass cannot be used to make Flour. Flour will be a creamy-coloured Sugar-like item that is created at a 1:1 ratio by crafting Wheat Seeds. This way, in our final-harvest scenario, the player can recycle any leftover Wheat Seeds into Flour, so it is still useful. But useful in what way? Flour would replace Wheat as the ingredient used to make Bread and Cake. It's that simple. This way, the player is also able to double their harvest by making a trade-off and halving farm size each harvest and yet doubling the production rate of Bread- and Cake-making material. Sound good enough to get made and maybe make its way into Technic someday? UPDATE; Animal Farming Improvements Another thing that sucks right now about Minecraft farming is Eggs. Eggs suck, because I have a really soft spot for animals, must be some OCD thing, and I can't bring myself to kill anything, so I have a bazillion Chickens and a double-chest full of Eggs which I can't hatch or eat. So what will we do? Make Eggs cookable in a Furnace to make Scrambled Eggs, which can be eaten! Also, Sheep should drop Mutton, which can be eaten or cooked then eaten, like any other meat. This would level Sheep out with every other farm mob, all of which but the Sheep have a secondary purpose - Chickens with their Eggs, Cows with their Milk, and Pigs with their riding. Additionally, Cows should have to wait an extra two days before being re-Milked. This would make Milk less OP, and so someone with a hundred buckets wouldn't be able to milk a single cow a hundred times. UPDATE; Chicken Farming Improvements You know what really sucks right now about Minecraft farming? The Chickens. The system was probably completely messed up in the Breeding Update. Right now we have Chickens that lay eggs with a 1/8 chance of breeding true, and yet they can just stuff themselves with Wheat an breed true every time, without even needing to use up the extra nutrients and energy of producing an egg that needs to be looked after, (sorry if I'm being a bit over-sciency over all this). So I think that when you breed two Chickens with Wheat (or in the new update, Seeds,) one of them should just lay an Egg. However, this Egg would have the Incubated enchantment, which increases the hatch chance to 1/4. UPDATED; Chicken Farming Improvements II; Incubator Utility The Incubator would take in regular Eggs and puts the Incubated enchantment onto them after they are 'cooked' with direct contact with sunlight and Furnace fuel such as Coal or Charcoal. The Incubator would have a Chest-sized inventory storage for the Eggs that need to be incubated, and nine slots at the top for fuel. The Incubator may be a bit of work at first, but can be easily automated when combined with Pipes and a Dispenser to create a system that automatically refills the Incubator with fuel and shoots Eggs out into a Chicken pen.
  19. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Hrm... but what if I have a laptop with a USB modem...?
  20. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Hrm, yes... Yes it would... My friend is addicted to Energy Condensers, so I could all be like 'MUHAHAHAHAAAAAA! I WILL FORCE YOU TO EITHER PAY FOR USING THESE NEW ITEMS OR I'LL CODE IN SOMETHING THAT DELETES EVERYTHING MADE BY YOUR IP AND USERNAME!!!' Even though I couldn't actually do that most likely X3 What that you see excites you in what way...?
  21. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Yeah, I guess it would make sense to rename it the EMC Cable I guess. Oh. Always assumed it was Energy Matter Conversion, but at least I got the first two bits right without research. Maybe. Though I'd like credit for my idea... X3
  22. Lol. Cables with no power loss and yet my EMC pipes are overpowered... Sorry, just kidding. X3
  23. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Basically, yeah.
  24. Ani2

    EMC Pipes

    Well then there are several ways this could be fixed, by either decreasing the amount of blocks required of transport to lose EMC, by increasing the EMC loss every few blocks, or by making EMC automatically somewhat disintegrate into thin air once it enters a machine. Maybe even all of these.
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