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Everything posted by Drago9889

  1. Please help
  2. I have the same thing when using voltz! I am on a mac too, and when i press login, it gives me a white screen and a blank window that is called 'hello' pops up... I also get a message that says "Minecraft failed to start"
  3. IGN: Drago9889 AGE: 12 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: Yes, the admins were immature. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? Adds a whole new world of creations to the game! WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? Well, I can bring factories, an amateur coder (me) and a lot of fun!
  4. IGN - Drago9889 Age - 13 Minecraft experience - Been killin' creepers since 1.7! Tekkit experience - 3-4 Months, quite a pro :3 Time playing MC per day - 3-4 Hrs. Why do you want to join the server - Since I have a variety of servers, but they have a lack of players.. It gets boring with nobody else, but I think this server will be much better!
  5. Hey, whitelist me again and i'll tell you the damn story. Don't let njorde give you an assumption.

    1. SJFW


      Send me a PM, doing maintenance on the server at the moment.

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