Hey there, Leap! I'm a bit late to the application game, but I hope that you'll give me a look!
Your In-Game Name: Bill_S
Age (Does not affect your chances): 20 too!
In 5-7 sentences, describe yourself: I'm an avid Minecrafter/Tekkiter/Hexxiter (Now, I guess!). I tend to be very nature-oriented in my playings, focusing on farming and the likes. You can bet I love all the plants and trees available in Hexxit! I'm also very good at potion brewing. "Druid" fits me quite well.
What makes you a good addition to the server?: I always try to be helpful to others and positive. I understand that Minecraft and games in general are often escapes for people, and I respect that.
Any ban records?(depends on the ban reason and severity): One: from the Eyetek servers on which I was an admin for months. The owner always had a volatile temper, and one day I set it off. Slam went the Ban-hammer.
If so, why were you banned? Explained above
If there's something you really wanted to do, but you are not sure if it will get you banned or not, will you choose to do it or not to do it?: Neither; I would ask you or an admin for guidance on it. Really I just want to farm and the likes ;D
Your previous experiences with Hexxit or Minecraft before?(Does not affect your chances in any way): I've been an admin on several Minecraft and Tekkit servers, and have played for several years now. Hexxit I am new to playing, but not new to (I always do research first!)
What are you good at?: On the Eyetek servers, most admins had something that they were great at. One was great at Nuclear power, one grief protection plugin, and I, Forestry, IndustrialCraft Agriculture, and the Extra Bees mod. I also created a huge community farming area complete with a giant tree with habitable acorns
What are you bad at?: Two things come to mind: 1. Being able to appreciate what I build or be satisfied with what I build, and (2.) communicating humor across the internet. I can be really sarcastic at times, and sometimes people take it as cruelty or aggression. It is never meant to be either!
Again, hope I'm not late to the application game! Hope to play with you sometime :)