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About IceWolf

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

IceWolf's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. wooo random page hoppin at 2 am

  2. I'm sorry our free publicly provided services doesn't meet your standards. As everything we do is open source, you're more than welcome to fork it and make your own platform. Good Luck.
  3. Can u take a look at my thread? I need help and u seem like the go-to guy


  4. Apparently I don't have permission to post in the launcher thread, or even ask a question in the questions area. I've looked around for anything telling me how to get permission, but can't find it. Any help?

  5. IceWolf, It says I don't have permmision to post on the technic launcher thread. How do I get permission for it? I need to post something there. contact me ASAP please.

  6. Make sure you actually cleared out those old configs as this bug was already fixed.
  7. I'm glad you all enjoyed yelling at each other while I was away all day. Since nothing important came out of the discussion I'll just closed the thread now. The situation has been resolved between myself and CovertJaguar directly so there is no need for further discussion on this topic.
  8. hey IceWolf. i am having troubles with Tekkit, whenever i try to log into the server i play on it always crashes... I NEED HELP!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!

  9. Hey Icewolf, if you could quickly give me a hand with my problem that I posted in the mod makers market then I would be very appreciative. :)

  10. hey icewolf i dont no if i am speaking to the right person or to the wrong but i saw that u were a admin. I dont no if u no that technic has been down for a long time now and people are getting anoyed i have fixed the launcher and dont no who to send it to put it on the main front page of technicpack.net it is a beta at the moment so please let me no becuase these people have technic to play.

  11. every time i launch the Technic pack it becomes vinila minecraft WOT DO I DO PEELS HELP THANKS

  12. Change render distance to ect. med far small NOT TINY

  13. IceWolf every time I launch tekkit I find myself in a giant white mist, I can't see a thing, please help. I made a thread under off-topic called "PLEASE HELP!"

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