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Everything posted by Ihysoal

  1. No, not in the slightest, because I already did that.
  2. I have this issue too, and motd.txt is actually set up properly.
  3. Saving chunks is a failsafe when it crashes. You can restore your world most likely by using INVedit or NBTedit to find the solar helmet item in your inventory and removing it. Always make backups before making changes.
  4. Can someone release this fix for the current tekkit server release, so its at least macerateable? I don't care if the client will sync up wrongly, it can be corrected by the server later on anyway.
  5. Both sides are selfcentered dicks :<
  6. Which makes me wonder if one could get near-tekkit functionality via spout... just IC2 and RP2 and it's mods would be a good start really.
  7. https://www.google.nl/search?q=site:technicpack.net+spout I've actually been curious at myself, but I see it shot down a lot because apparently spout modifies class files quite heavily. Which makes me really sad, all the cool mods are impossible for me to use.
  8. Experiencing this bug here too, seems a server side issue obviously. Is there a quick fix to this or do we need to wait for a server update?
  9. Don't hold your breath, captain Edge Darkness. I think it's more likely that technic will just change their available mods.
  10. 1.3 brought along the SSP run on SMP-code change didn't it? I think it will be lovely to see technic pack finally be available for SMP
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