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Everything posted by Kryptanyte

  1. Valid, Mike just doesn't understand English properly. What ThunderGalaxy has said; I have been staff on only 3 servers and I want to be staff again. What Mike thinks he said; I have been admin 3 times. I have not been admin ever. "I have not been admin more than 3 times before" Makes sense from an English point of view...
  2. Ahh, yes. I see why you are having issues. Its play.thetekkitserver.com
  3. Despite lacking areas. I like you, you seem like a fun admin. Not gunna bother telling to fix. Seem to have a personality to counteract it. Good app!
  4. Denied for now, due to bold and underlined sections. Gian, no issues with your application. Just want to point out, English can never be perfect. Just being a Grammar Nazi here, I noticed a lot of your spelling wasn't grammatically correct, as in there weren't any capital I's etc. Don't take that to heart, just pointing out a fact.
  5. 1 and 2) Please put more effort into these sections 3) Please give rough hours per day you can spend on the server and how long you have been on the server 4) Full sentence please Please copy and paste the application template and complete it properly. Cheers Krypt
  6. He will need to post an unban request. I'll get mike to set up the template for it. He was also banned before we got our new ban reports in so its not logged who banned him
  7. 1) Please make this section longer, it is only 24 word. At least get it above 40 2) Missing section, please fill out Also, do not post email and skype names on here, we will ask you in game or on teamspeak if you are accepted into staff for these.
  8. Staff application process is now put into place. You will be interviewed when you are accepted, just to be sure is all. Also the main post will be updated with expectations and an example application.
  9. 1) - Please state how long you have played on the server in the correct place. 1) - Cut off sentence, please correct. 2) - Please put more effort into the banned section of the application.
  10. 1) - Spend some more time on the server. By what you have posted here, you have played for about a day. 2) - Please get a reference from a player on our server or just don't get one. It is preferable you do have one from our server as it stops possible promotion of other servers, and we can't verify the integrity of a reference not from our server. 1) - First section above the gap, please give more detail. 2) - "Why should I be picked" Please make it around 50 words 3) - Time, in the template provided it asks how long you have played on the server. Not on tekkit. That is totally irrelevant from my point of view. This section of the application is basically to tell us how well you know the server community. 4) - "Banned: No" More information please. 5) - Methods of contact: None. Please find a way for us to contact you outside of Minecraft itself. Otherwise you will not be able to keep up to date on what is happening. 1) - Why we should choose you, 50 words approximately 2) - How long have you been on our server? 3) - Banned: No, be more specific. 4) - Please try to use references from within our server. Cheers Krypt Head of Staff
  11. May 17, 2009 is the date minecraft was first released this was the alpha. Also, tekkit lite was not released 1 and a half years ago. Therefor I am going to have to deny you straight up on the terms you lied twice. Unless of course either my math is wrong or we are in the future, Minecraft has been released for 4 years. That being said, if my calendar is on the wrong year, and if what you say is true, then it is the year 2016. Good day sir. Krypt
  12. I can't say for the regular players of the server, but the staff have been busy as of the last 12 hours configuring the server. So we have been unable to do much else.
  13. This is solely my opinion on your application. By no means am I in charge of staff application, I am merely stating areas of improvement for you to get staff. Raginruffalo. Firstly; I'm not sure if you noticed but there is a little comment on how long your reason why we should choose you is. Needs to be around 50 words, not exactly just around. In not doing so it implies that you are a bit lazy, if you put that little extra effort in, you have a higher chance of getting accepted. Secondly; It would be preferable if you did have some people to vouch for you. Having people that can say, yes this person is really helpful and should get staff, really makes an impact, etc makes the person selecting new staff members think, well hey! People thinks hes a cool guy, lets choose him! Gamerdude999 Firstly; Again, as I said about Raginruffalos application, there's a note there saying it needs to be around 50 words long. Secondly; Not trying to be mean or anything, but you can never have perfect English. I'm 16 and a Grammar Nazi, I still don't have anywhere near perfect English. Thirdly; You say you have spent 10 minutes on the server. In my eyes this is unacceptable for someone applying to staff, I would say you jump on the server a bit more, get some more experience with the community etc then redo your staff application. Lastly; Again, as I stated above to Raginruffalo, it would be preferable that you have people who can vouch for you. Well, that's my little spiel, just some tips on how to get staff is all. I will check this everyday and help people get their staff applications up to par with server standards. Cheers Krypt
  14. Hello everyone, I am also a Staff Member on this server, just coming on to clarify something to anyone who sees Mcbeliefff's post disregard that link. Please post on here, I will urge mikekrason to setup a staff application template if possible or get some sort of application process going. Cheers Krypt
  15. Parts of the map are corrupt, we are trying to fix them. Please be patient while we do so.
  16. Not as far as I know. I only just started with the server. The owner wasn't doing anything about the glitch so he gave me access so I could. This issue has only occurred between our last map reset and this current map when we added in towny, logblock and vault I think.
  17. Server mods or plugins? Also there is nothing in the logs to say that its teleporting players down. I'm waiting for it to happen so I can double check EDIT-Just tried it with quantum jump, nothing is appearing in console about teleporting me to the ground
  18. Title: When ever a player is over 2 blocks high in the air they are teleported to the ground Version: 3.1.2 OS: PC mainly. Haven't heard from anyone on a MAC on this server Java Version: Varying Description of Problem: Basically whenever a player jumps higher than 2 blocks, flies higher than 2 blocks they instantly get teleported to the ground. If the player is in creative or has op they do not experience this issue, the same with /fly. We have flight enabled and also have disabled towny's cheat prevention thing. Error Messages: Error Log:
  19. Username: Carebear19 Age: 16 Do you have Skype? Yes Timezone: GMT + 12 Hours of your regular online times: Usually Monday to Friday 4pm to 11pm, however soon that will change, Weekends 11am/12pm to 10pm. Otherwise I'm on 10am to 11pm, however I often go onto different games for a bit of a change in scenery What can you offer the server as a Moderator?: Experience, quite a lot of it. I have been a tekkit player for about a year now and have hosted and been a Moderator on a couple of servers. First off, I was a co owner of the most popular tekkit server in New Zealand/Australia which had about 50 slots, 30 of which were pretty much constantly full. I know the people that play tekkit and how to handle them, I've had to sort quite a lot of issues with many people over the few months I've been staff on servers. You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem?: If the grief was on Protected land I would inquire to see if the person who destroyed the others stuff was in the town or not, if he/she is then I would question them as to why they did it. If it was accidental, and the creator of what was broken agreed then I would (If applicable (Use the rollback command) If not;) tell them to fix what was broken as they would have the items themselves. If the person was not from the town I would ask them how they broke the creation, if they used a glitch to do it I would punish them accordingly and fix the grief and mute the owner of the building/creation for 10-20 minutes for flaming in chat. If the creation was not on protected land I would mute both for arguing and flaming in chat for 10-20 minutes. After they are unmuted if they continue flaming I would kick them both. If they come back and continue, temp ban both for a few hours. Cheers Krypt
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