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Posts posted by Jay?

  1. And just because Notch used it doesn't mean it's flawless. He coded greatly but if you want to re-write it in C++, as long as your coding is not too messed up you should be able to get top performance out of it as well IMO.

    actually, as i hear it, notches coding was mediocre. A deep optimization could probably do more for minecraft than a total language swap.

  2. I don't know much about railcraft but I bet some rails could be made using the principle of magnets, as well as a handheld magnet that would help when mining. There could also be lodestone ore (very rare and high emc) which would act in the same way but not require power.

    I don't deal with minecarts, but no, i wouldn't use the lodestone thing. Maybe as a component for something else, but not as a low-power substitute for the regular magnetic structure.

  3. While the dusts part doesn't doesn't seem useful to me, I'm starting work on my own mod, and you've given me an idea. Mag Pistons: They'd work like regular pistons, except they wouldn't block the are between the bottom part of the piston and the top part (although walking through it with iron armor may be a bad plan). The distance that they pushed the other material would depend on the amount of energy you ran through it.

  4. I really dont know if you're referring to the thread I made above or the thread I made on the Minecraft Forums. Some more details would be appreciated.

    I'd also like to bring another point to this issue...

    _Myst automatically deletes the thread without warning, then gives me an infraction that explains absolutely nothing.

    ...Yet there is currently another moderator, AND a forum admin that posted on that thread. Without taking it down. This only furthers my belief that _Myst is an FTB fanboy.

    Okay, so, that's a thing that you just need to deal with. Moderators all have different personalities and styles. One mod or admin may post or even support that topic, but that doesn't actually lend it legitimacy. I know that from your end, it looks like it should, but it doesn't.

  5. Look, dude. I'm not saying that you're wrong, as such, but if that's exactly what you posted, then I'd have called it flame-bait.

    While i usually side against them, i can see why they'd want to take that post down. It may not have violated the rules, but a moderator usually has to do more than enforce the letter of the law. We also have to try to enforce the public good, which at MCF, partially because of their size, and partially other reasons, means putting the kibosh on flamewars.

  6. so with the new update to the 1.4.5 optifine has been taken out, and I have substantial lag LOL. what is everyone doing to overcome this? can optifine be re-installed manually?

    Actually, this could end up being a good thing. Optifine comes in several types, that have varying degrees of success depending on what kind of system you have. You should be able to install the exact version that works for your system, by dropping it into modpack.jar

  7. If you're not picky, a reissue of the thing seems to be around 850$.

    Somewhat related, isn't this a suspiciously good price for a flying V, in general?

    Nope, don't want a reissue. The reissues use lower quality humbuckers, and have a lower action to accommodate modern metalheads. Also, as i said earlier, part of the draw is the sheer classiness of having a '67. Ideally, i'd like to have a '67 in a glass case, and an early 90's out and about for playing with.

    That is sketchy as fuck. 185 is what i'd expect to pay for a beginner-style SG knockoff.

  8. What's the main difference between the 1967 and the 1968 except price tag?

    Also, this is what I want :P

    Status, mostly. Also, i believe the '67 had a slightly smaller pickgaurd than the later models. Still bigger than the original model, but they Gibson kept expanding and further-stylizing the Vs pickgaurd as time went on, but i prefer a smaller, more plain pickgaurd.

  9. If you look on there all the responses are from late April 2012. So This is why I posted this. So I can get my own responses that are active and on one thread.

    Posting threads looking for people to make videos with will clutter this section. Instead of making a thread just for that, use this thread to find people to work with.

    You don't get to do whatever you want just because the thread is old.

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