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Everything posted by ampayne2

  1. I searched for the tiniest shred of anything about balkans pvp bypasses for a week and only found a thread that looked like this but also unresolved. I ended up blocking guns, crossbows, blowguns, spears, basically anything you throw or shoot. Everything else does not bypass pvp fortunately. If someone patched this it would be really nice but it hasnt happened yet :P
  2. You might need to select 'show file extensions' in the folder options.
  3. .... Ok well first of all... Operating system: Mac? Windows? Linux? Also, you need java installed and in your path variable
  4. So youre thirteen and you dont want to play with anyone under 15...? Its best if you get someone your age usually (i find most ppl 13 and under a little annoying on skype and im almost 16)
  5. ... *goes on google*
  6. Oh wow... *Mega Facepalm* cant believe I misread that >.>
  7. The correct website would be www.fragnet.net, idk how good of a host it is, and no it cannot host tekkit. Also, I suggest looking for hosts that focus on hosting minecraft/bukkit/tekkit servers :)
  8. You should (I think) have an error log in your .techniclauncher folder or the folder your launcher (exe or jar) is in, just paste what it contains here :)
  9. I have never seen anybody bump their thread 3 times in 2 minutes.. o.o
  10. Everybody active on this forum is here to help people, not exactly hard to find...
  11. Sounds to me like you dont have enough power supplying the machines
  12. I would recommend at least 3gb, 4 if you have enough money :)
  13. Im pretty sure it does Basically what happens is a person makes their first chest and it makes their first region around it. They get a configurable amount of claim blocks per hour up to a configurable max. They can make more claims or edit their current ones. /trust username lets someone build in their claim Another useful feature is restorenature, it will restore a chunk's nature without destroying anything manmade. Everything will work from the start without any permission nodes (admins will need perms or op though) I will look up what tags someone can set
  14. I suggest using the tekkitcustomizer plugin, it is the only thing that takes care of everything (including what you need) and you cant bypass it with auto crafting tables.
  15. Theres a patch for that... I would agree not to use towny because i dont like it, but if you patch EE like most people do it works just fine... I suggest griefprevention! :)
  16. Lol, nvm thought you had said every day for some reason. If you need any ideas just msg me and i could probably come up with a few :)
  17. Yeah! This may be the only forum thread I have ever subscribed to (I own a tekkit server with xenforo, and am active on at least 4 other forums including technic pack ) Keep it up! I look forward to your daily reports :)
  18. Or a filter. I was assuming he wanted to use buildcraft not redpower Unless you have a HUGE power source, filters/transposers are a better option
  19. Much better idea^
  20. I suggest using an energy link, it converts BC power to IC power and vice versa. If you supply it with a decent source of power it will pump faster than 400 redstone engines.. :)
  21. Wow people actually use internet explorer? I even got my parents to use firefox...
  22. I guess you could use obsidian pipes... If you had programming skills you could make it return to the pipe and unload when it is full and then continue what it was doing :)
  23. There is a chance, albeit a small one, that a duck is in your computer.
  24. Go to the bug reports section... And read the sticky(s) ;D -.-
  25. What plugins do you have installed?
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