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Everything posted by Eclipze

  1. The reason to why we started this server is that we want a server where people play together, build togheter and where the economy is thriving, we want a strong community but without the hassle of whitelisting. We also decided on disabling EE for the pure and simple reason that it's overpowered and the idea of getting something from nothing is not an idea we are very fond of. Our Main Plugins - BOSEconomy - Towny - Essentials - Signshops - Worldborder - Worldguard - Nolagg RULES! No Griefing or stealing No PVP unless agreed upon No Spamming and/or being rude No Disrespecting of Admins or other players No Destruction of landscape(industrial purposes not included) which means no flying trees, dirttowers and/or shitty dirtbuildings Banned Mods Equivalent Exchange Banned Items: Nukes TNT/iTNT Mining Laser Restricted items: Nuclear Reactors Computercraft computers SPAWN, Including the main shop (not seen in this image) which is located under water! how awesome is that! "Florance" a player run town on the server, Asgard is seen in the background. "Riverby" - Small settlement in the outskirts of the spawnarea. "New Hope" is the open server-founded newbie town, everbody is welcome here.
  2. IGN: Eclipze I like building complex stuff and kill monsters 1000 is larger than -1500
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