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Posts posted by Karinth

  1. Lets see, I live in an area where the only internet that is offered is satellite and it is Shite. I currently am at school, that is how I am on the internet. I also have an android phone so I can check this from there. Alas AT&T Limits your usage after 4gb and charges you for overages. I do have a lan set up at home for streaming our content through the house.

    Now if someone who knows what they are doing can help me that would be appreciated. If you have negative comments leave them to yourself. Unless it gets your rocks off then go ahead.

    Also readt his before you accuse me of using a cracked account http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,827.0.html

  2. Me and my GF both have premium accounts and want to play at home on Tekkit with the launcher. Since it only shows people up as PLAYER on the normal launcher when one of us is on the other cannot. There is a command line you can do to change your name in offline just so the server see you as someone else. Is there a way for both of us to play offline?

    We have no internet at home.

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