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About epic_xwootx

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

epic_xwootx's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Updated guide with the most recent links,and easier to follow instructions.
  2. Got back on the forum,I'll fix the guide !
  3. Ik.Tho shouldn't we doing this with the Worldedit style of schematic importing,i get an error when trying to I'll just look up mcedit \ \Edit : Got it working pal.thanks !!!!3
  4. Sorry for bothering you,could you help me with importing this in my server / map,because to be honest i really don't know how to do it :(
  5. I've been cooking up some sugestions,but this one i think is my best. Since enchanting is kinda broken in H/M,why not have enchantment scrolls. They'd spawn in dungeons,and boost / add atributes to an item once they've been crafted togheter.That'd be pretty sick i guess,if frizz could implement such thing.
  6. Dude,make sure that the client version matches the server's. (retarded question ftw.)
  7. When i was 13 i drank like a pint of jack daniels + cola,it was dads. But luckily parents were at a wedding and they didn't even notice.
  8. Well,that's my preference,i like most of his songs,and yeah dubstep's kinda garbage.
  9. Nuff' Said
  10. Better Area System: Area levels should be only bigger numbers.Like : Level 1,then next area should be level 5,and so on. WHY:Because it's a PITA travelling half an hour just to get to a decent area
  11. Well more ranged combat will be awesome.Just saying. + Flying mounts :D
  12. ^ True...true... :D
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