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Everything posted by angeleon898

  1. jd wait i might be able to help with running the server like the console pls dont shut down server too many people like it and want to doante to it if you need help ask anyone. from smacleod7117
  2. hmm i have heard some news that is quite stardling if an admin or mod would like to hear this pls pm me and i will reveal it all to you.
  3. i just realized something the map might be geting reset..... i want my alch bags to still be full so i have my 4 stacks of DM still.
  4. this is horrible the number adress is down to i cant activate my force feild and i am in danger of greifers help aka im smacleod7117
  5. :D i think the mod is cool so i think it should be very very alive
  6. well i think tekkit should get instant massive structures mod i think its really cool but the recipes are really cheap.
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