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Everything posted by angeleon898

  1. i also agree he plays alot for a long period of time and hes pretty nice
  2. this hacker issue does make sence considering someone took mobious fuel out of my alch bag. and all the mods and claw said they didnt take it so i think im on his side. hackers will fall
  3. ahhhh good times when i though Igotu was a hacker. good times mhm good times
  4. well you are in the fun hole or that's at least what you called it.
  5. well this is a nice picture to find. shane having some fun in the fun hole.
  6. as soon as you can get tungsten up i will try to donate paypal is up finally so hutty up with the ranks.
  7. yay i just relized ive told 7 people about JWL in the past and only 3 people know its back up gotta tell the rest
  8. well being [R] is strange but meh i get used to it. its not new to me so just happy i can play.
  9. energy condensers will be banned always have been on JWL alot of items are restricted on JWL but you can obtain them thru donating or getting ranks such as resident from playing and gaining trust.
  10. IMPENDING D_D LET US IN think of the children.... in shanes garage
  11. lol i want to help if there is anything i could help with my skype is mewtwo898
  12. that doenst mean your not a greifer lish used to let anyone in his town.
  13. yay i will have my Diamond donator rank again :D
  14. sounds a little cocky saying you will love JWL even more but its so true JWL is the reason i stopped greifing.
  15. you will definitely see me soon JD JWL FTW.
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