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Everything posted by Dentcat

  1. Do they have quills? I mean, really, do they?
  2. This song is good in it's simplicity. Also, Openwater has a beautiful voice.
  3. QWERTY is too mainstream, though. It took me 7 years of my life to learn QWERTY. Learned LH Dvorak in half an hour. No, I shouldn't see why I should change. Everyone else should. Here, look for yourself, no joke. This is genuinely my keyboard layout. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wp481f2ikjkdwtz/20150714_211212.jpg?dl=0
  4. I don't like QWERTY. Hate the thing. I use Left Handed Dvorak for all the things. I type faster on it. I even got College to order in a keyboard with equal sized keys so I can have Dvorak. But I have to rebind the damn thing every time. New modpack? Two hours rebinding. New game? Rebinding. Apparently it's too hard for some to understand I use Q_KC to move instead of WASD. Any suggestions?
  5. They're back. And all the legit posts are buried.
  6. ​I don't know. It's Wales, so maybe? The Green Party wants to put solar panels everywhere and legalize weed, and the Monster Raving Looney Party STILL wants to make gravity illegal. So in terms of politics here in the UK, it's quite likely.
  7. I haven't got a clue. Sounds fancy. So you make the spambots play golf? Yay. In all seriousness, AdamHovorka is the modern day Gavjenks. Points to you, sir.
  8. Quite frankly, it is. I just wanted to create this topic to see how far it gets pushed down when it's just me and 50 spambots on here. Can't we do as they said in the KJ and nuke any account that says.... ....vashykran?
  9. Politics post. Yay. I am obligated to say something, being one of the only Brits here. To summarize: Labour puts in a lefty policy, Tories undo it in their term. Tories put in a righty policy, Labour undoes it in their term. When put into perspective, they're all liberals. Scotland is full of angry patriots who want to blow up the UK and sail away on a continental drift to the Maldives. And Plaid Cymru wants to introduce policies that waive human-goat bestiality in Wales. That's 2015 in British politics in a nutshell. And that sums up what generally happens in elections.
  10. Have some Pirate Metal. Do I have to cite NSFW? Or is this thread advised to have caution?
  11. Transoscillatory soundwave stacking. Using a similar function to a beam of light in a mirrored ball. However, sound is created by kinetic forces, and thus has more effect. If a theoretical container was created, wouldn't it be hypothetically possible to hone compressed soundwaves into further kinetic function? You could at least build a generation ship like that. If matter and antimatter are exact opposites, antimatter will stretch time in the opposite way of matter. Thus, negating an amount of matter would allow infinitely fast travel. I prefer the idea of generation ships. More feasible. I was thinking, what if a wood burning engine was to be implemented, powered by gengineered bamboo? Bamboo can grow VERY fast. Genetically engineer that to create compounds similar tosolid fuel, and you can fly at about 100mph for pretty much ever. Until you have no water left.
  12. I will be visiting this thread a lot in the next few days. I'm probably the only published poet here. I have a massive stack o' poetry. I will probably just reel it off here. Here goes: The words, they listen Sighing silently, as they speak Knowing that they kill Knowing that they hate And they listen. Knowing that they love Knowing that they care Knowing that they are meaningless Accepting they aren't there.
  13. I think, for the purpouse of this thread, given it's nature, the moderators would have no qualms. I mean, sure, it's probably not a problem if it's available for free, but still, best to ask first before jumping the gun. I will add a song when I have the oppotunity.
  14. This is real music, ladies, gentlemen and sentient, gender neutral octupi.
  15. Have some Power Metal.
  16. ZENIT? Good camera. Worked with one for a while in GCSE photography. Not too bulky, but takes good pictures. I saw one in the market a few week ago, wish I bought it.

    1. Smeelio


      Yeah, it's a very versatile and all-round camera, glad I bought it sort of as an impulse buy. It was standing in someone's front garden with a sign hanging on it, so I inquired and got the camera, two lenses, a tripod, a case, a camera bag and two rolls of film for about £30. You can get the camera with a pretty good Helios lens and maybe a case for around the same price on e-Bay though, probably less battered than my one too, so check there if you're still interested ;)

  17. I started work on a webcomic about a scientist who sits at his desk and talks to himself. Dr. Martin Fred is a brilliant scientist. Definitely. '' target='_blank'>>
  18. Space things. Yay. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065683398/screenshots/?appid=220200
  19. I can not agree with this song any more. Disagree if you must, but then you have never been to London. Song is maybe [NSFW] with the sheer amount of language, but it is true. Listen at your own risk. Also the dude filled the video with ridiculous captions, ignore 'em.
  20. Am I really? All good things must die. This is because they are not perfect. It is how the world the world works. Look around you, all imperfections lead to destruction.
  21. It isn't about the people. It isn't about the clones. It's not about the DLC. It is about our last bastion of hope in this world reduced to nothing but yet another corporate pawn. Don't stress the future of Minecraft. Accept the loss of freedom, the memories of hope, the heartwarming story of the billion dollar indie company. It's all gone. All faded into the black void of corporate warfare. Do not mourn the loss of our expressionism, instead, try to understand what all this means. Nothing good can come of this, and, whatever your thoughts, especially the hopeful, you must learn to accept the overbearingness of truth. We have to live with all that this hateful, uncaring world forces us to live through.
  22. Life Goal:
  23. Interesting.... It seems I am unable to post more than two videos without links appearing.
  24. THE FINAL COUNTDOWN... Perfect song for a nuclear fallout, methinks.
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