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Everything posted by Dentcat

  1. Well I end up firing my bow at things and expecting it to kick them. Plugins be makin' me go craycray.
  2. Believe me, I'm laughing.
  3. Why are most of my posts from old GTA games? Rockstar had better taste in music back in '02.
  4. Working on it. Should I post pictures when done?
  5. You have thunder, I have rain. This song may as well sum up the UK. It rains, a lot. Also, I miss the days of good old San Andreas, back before people took videogame realism seriously.
  6. Honestly, I really could do with a cup of tea right now.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lethosos


      I'm fine with coffee, Munaus. It's just that right now it's a tea thing.

    3. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Are you kidding? Coffee is for wimps.

    4. Lethosos


      Actually, coffee is blue collar, while tea is Mandrin collar.

  7. SCIENCE! Seriously, cannot get out of head. EDIT: This song was going to be the theme song for The Big Bang Theory. Also, the "Science" was going to be used as the scene change.
  8. The song of my favourite film. I know, YOU may think the film is terrible, but no-one can even raise a finger to the song. I know it was Phil Oakley who got the film out there, and I won't argue with that. It's underappriciated though, Von Dohlen plays a good role, I don't care what you say.
  9. You are welcome.
  10. GOING UP, FOOLS! Is this just a two way thread? Can't someone else post? Surely we aren't the only two on the forums with an impeccable taste in music?
  11. Remember B Team's Dubstep Guns?
  12. Euge Groove. I need not say more.
  13. Chiptune is good, but no one can argue with a true classic. I present to you:
  14. So Byte suggested that we create a resource for sharing and discussing our favourite songs. I think that's a good idea. So, I created this thread. No idea if it will amount to anything, or die out in a few days. We don't mind, we just want to share our tunes. So please, share your jam with us!
  15. I used to be able to build things that looked good, but when I start working on a city, I just don't follow the rules of building in Minecraft. I know, I want to kill me too. There's just some strange thought process, "I am going to need to build a lot, so it needs to be generic." An SPD can do that to you. I used to be a good builder. How can I go repetitive without being like this? I know I can build, but just recently....
  16. I killed Cyball in about 10-15 rounds. Anyone care? Come on, though, seeing as I got the game yesterday....
  17. Every city I build is bland and repetitive, and I really need advice in building a halfway decent city. Identical buildings, brutalism and general box-yness are traits of all I am able to build, and it is annoying the hell out of me. I really need help with--- Not failing, I suppose. What a to-do.....
  18. Liszt should be banned because I am left-handed.
  19. If I win at failing, do I still fail, despite winning at doing so?

    1. daeva


      Don't do this to me man

  20. He told me to NEVER touch the boot discs. That's my evidence. If it's that easy, then it really is a scam, and.... I'm a go speak to TSA. That should shake up that foul little milk-drinker. Edit: spoke to a professional. Turns out I'm right. Edit Edit: YEAH YOU MAKE IT WORK. LEAVE ME ALONE NEXT TIME, AS WELL! /// I think we can say this topic is closed.
  21. Dentcat


    I would win. I would wait until they killed each other and stand on top of the pile of corpses created by such a war. (Was this thread supposed to be derailed? Oops?)
  22. This is a problem.

    1. dwwojcik


      Indeed it is.

    2. TheBytemaster


      Oh dear. Not that.

  23. I have a suspicion my custom built computer has been sabotaged by the manufacturer. If anyone knows how to destroy the coding placed there, I would be grateful. I know it's sabotage. The fan was glued in with a cheap glue, assuring that it fell out, and forced us to break the warranty seal. Then I looked at the error and there is automatic failure software in the code. Please, I have no charge left on my kindle (edit:found charger), and must finish here. Please help me win my computer back from an angry, evil, corrupt, money crazed tech geek. Thanks.
  24. Inittowinitall has a point. Things were better back in the day. I was on these forums all night back then, because it used to feel like I actually had friends.
  25. Smartcars are amazing. It's Smartcar appreciation day tomorrow. Who else is excited?!
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