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Everything posted by PeggleFrank

  1. This. Also, make sure your PC specs are up to shape. Depending on if you're using your own PC or another computer to host the server, it may be laggy for the players. You may want to watch some tutorials and get some experience with setting up a 'dummy' server that you won't actually use. By making a server two times, you can ensure that you did it right and that you didn't do anything wrong the second time. You may also want to consider the version of Ampz that you're going to use. The Tekkit community has one version of Ampz, but the FTB community has another (because obviously sending out the same version of Ampz on your modpack as your competitor is far too sensible). There's no core number that'll show you which community is larger, so you can choose whatever you like. You've just posted this in the Tekkit forums, so you should probably use the tekkit version IMO. There are sometimes eclipses where the two launchers have the same version of Ampz. Those are probably going to be good times to run your server, aswell.
  2. They probably pay a fee or something to that guy who manages the Ampz modpack, though I doubt it. Might be some of his friends hosting servers or something that want recognition. Also, not sure if this means anything, but I just tested the Voltz modpack with the FTB launcher. It has those servers up there too automatically. Btw, the owner of that server gets payed to run it. Probably via donations or some kind of interesting carrot-on-the-stick technique to make you upvote/send money to the server. So it is slightly unfair. But, the more people you have on a server the more laggy it's going to be and generally the lower quality the community is going to be.
  3. I have no idea what the heck you're using to host the server, but aslong as they don't give you monthly/weekly/daily/nanosecondly fees to pay to keep the server running it'll be free. Of course, your electric bill may be slightly higher, but that's probably nothing to worry about. Probably. It'll be legal no matter what you do. It'll be safe 100% aslong as the server provider isn't shady. Depending on how well you set up the server, it should work properly. Certain modpacks are harder to setup than others. I'm not making any refrences to that day when I had to spend 4 months to set up a tekkit classic server or anything. I would never do such a thing. Oh, by the way, unless you want to run a dedicated server, don't ever use hamachi. It's just a hassle to set it up, as your server will work without it easily. Also, make sure you are near eachother. LAN won't work for somebody the next house over. It'll just work for people in your house.
  4. I got absorbed in other stuff for awhile. Sorry Um, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking but I may be able to help. (I also feel bad for just now noticing your message) For the normal tekkit files, clear your cache and redownload the tekkit modpack. For the server you can simply download a tekkit server from the tekkit website, which I can help you set up if need be. Also, may I ask where precisely (the path I.E. C:/users/somebody/appdata/.technic/Tekkit/) you have a... modpack.jar? I'm not sure what that is. You should have mods, coremods, some other folders, and a folder called bin. Forge should be in the bin (you won't see it in there, but it's there) and all your mods should be in mods or coremods.
  5. MCEdit will corrupt your Tekkit world if you load up the world and save it. It might be harmless on a 1.2.5 version of minecraft though, so backup your world and try it. You can use MFFS (depending on the pack you're using) to make indestructible blocks that aren't warded blocks/reinforced stone. You may also need Gregtech to get a bunch of IDSUs all over the place to power the MFFS stuff.
  6. This is a quick guide I set up for people who want to set up a server for their modpack. (Or maybe there's a button to do that, in which case this thread is a bit more useless than I originally hoped, but oh well) You will need: Optional: Minecraft Version Changer (MVC) A stockpile of mods from 1.2.5 (You can easily just copy and paste these from your tekkit classic mods folder), along with any other mods you wish to use. Minecraft Forge (You need the universal edition. You must have forge for the version of the server that you're going to use) NOTE! Most mod developers don't allow people to download 1.2.5 versions of their mods. You will probably need to copy the mods from tekkit classic. MVC Instructions: To start off with your server-making career, you need to run MVC. Go down the list and select whatever version of minecraft you want your server to be. Click download server. Your server will download, and I recommend that you run it when the download is finished. Non-MVC Instructions: Use the instructions for setting up a server on mac on minecraft.net. You'll need the .bat file with the code inside of it to launch the server, too. Go into insertservernamehere.jar, and dump a version of forge that's compatible with the version of the server in there. Run the server. It should generate a few more folders, the most important ones being coremods and mods. Here comes the flexible bit. Go to where you stored all your crap tons of mods. If you want those mods in your server, dump them in the mods folder (NOT COREMODS!). Now, if you want to add in not enough items (NEI) you'll have to do something a bit diffrent. Go into the coremods folder of your tekkit classic folder, and copy code chicken core (CCC) and NEI into the place that you're storing all of your mods. Go into your server that you're creating. Dump CCC into the coremods folder first. Once you've done that, put NEI in there aswell. Once you've done that, the server will support players enchanting items via NEI and it will enable some other features of NEI aswell. Once you've done that, you can copy the mods and coremods folder to somewhere temporary. Do the exact same steps (but without downloading a server!) to make sure your client has the exact same mods as your server. Once you've done all that, you'll need to go into your servers bin.rar.ini folder and you'll need to write about 400 lines of code to ensure that the server knows where it's directorial management station is and how to deal with incoming transmission packets. You'll also need to deal with chocolate fudge muffin server attacks, the most dangerous and delicious kind of attack there is. Failing to deal with these kinds of constant dibritial management attacks can lead to hard drive corruption, boot disk flammation and semi-quantanic R.F.C. thermonuclear explosions. Once you have all that set up, you're ready to play on your server that you built from the ground up! Enjoy! FAQ: Q: OMG HALP HALP IT EXPLODED A: The easiest way to deal with issues is to do it again. It may sound lazy, but more often than not you did something wrong in such a way that it is irreversible, and you have to start again. If the problem persists, you're either reading the directions incorrectly, or there's something that's incompatible with what your doing (Nothing should be incompatible with any of the steps I've shown you here, so you shouldn't assume that it's an incompatibility right off the bat). Q: I want to install _________ and it's not a mod. How would I go about doing so? A: Follow the instructions given to you. If it requires you to download a server that's in the form of an EXE, and you don't want to play vanilla, then you will have to improvise. Check over it's steps. Try and see if there's a way that you could possibly skip a few steps that have to deal with setting up the server. If you can, then skip those steps and move onto the steps that tell you how to mod the server. If you can't, then it is impossible without deep knowledge of the thing you are installing. I will gladly answer any questions (or maybe somebody else will) that you may have. Constructive criticism is also appreciated.
  7. Oh, then yes, it does have shared resources. The liquids come in buckets via ender chest (they get pulled from duplicators, so no need to worry about running out of liquid) and the items, well, there's so many of them it's not an issue. Plus, since this is Tekkit, you can put down an energy condenser and do that. Actually, that reminds me. I need to put in some OP item duplicator chests condensers.
  8. What's shared resources? Is it another mod? I have a tekkit server ready, but I can only let friends on, or friends of friend's on, due to my PC not being able to handle too many people at once. That may change when I upgrade my PC, as I'd love to have more people on EDIT: Actually, the server isn't 24/7, and it isn't always loaded up with people. I have an idea for a small game of Titanic Tekkit (3 rounds). If you want to apply, just ask down below. Please tell me how good you are with Tekkit, because I want to keep this game on the same level (It'll be a bit unfair if somebody hasn't played Tekkit before, and another person played with it since 2010). This doesn't mean that if you're too good or too bad, I won't let you in, it's just that I want everybody on the same level Note: This is an idea. If 50,000 people apply in less than a nanosecond then I may change stuff around a bit, and vice versa. Also, please don't spread my IP around if you get access to the match, or join when you aren't supposed to join. I hate to add whitelists to my server, and I'd like to keep my whitelist folder empty. Thank you
  9. So, I was going to play some Wrenched with my friends. I looked for a download link. Nothing. I asked the guy who managed it. Nothing. I made this map. BOOM SHAKALAKA now it works. Logic, right? Please watch Direwolf20's Wrenched series before playing this map, as it will help you understand the rules of it. It's played almost the same as Wrenched, and as such you don't need a set of rules here. For those of you who are lazy: (It's episode 1 of the Wrenched series, in it Direwolf20 goes over most of the rules). Some can be disregarded (Titanic Tekkit is 4-player, not 5-player (and was designed as such because I only have a few friends who play Tekkit)), but most of them will apply. 4 players are recommended. 3 players compete, one player is the host and sits in the corner, with a tophat and monocle, sipping tea as he attacks the contestants with archangels smite. Ok, maybe that's not how every game should go, but sometimes it works. This will only work for Tekkit classic. If you try to use Lite, it will probably explode from the mismatched item IDs. Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?nisw4w0h3sbaiub Version: 1.01 Fly into the sky to find the place. There's teleporters, so don't worry. In the area where people compete, right behind the teleport entry point, there's a small place for hosts who don't know what to do and also an optimal setup for your inventory and a premade round 1. The wool in the alchemy bag in the inventory chest stands for the round, so you can make 2-3 rounds in a row for the future, with the wool standing for the round number. Pics: The 'arena', as it were. This is where you start, in the small hub area. One by one everybody comes out onto the teleporter and gets whisked away to the arena. CHANGELOG: 1.00 : Map released! 1.01 : Added in some energy condensers just incase there's anything that I forgot to put in the crystal chests. Added mk.3 relays and collectors aswell. Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Whitescreen. EDIT: Nevermind, I tried again and it loaded. Thanks :D
  11. Title: Cant connect to own server, others can Version: 3.1.2 OS: 64-bit, windows 7 Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: I'm having troubles connecting to a server I just launched for me and a few friends. For me, it says connection refused: connect. For them, they get in the game. I'm using 3.1.2, and they are aswell, and I'm using everything I should be. Thanks Error Messages: connection refused: connect Error Log:
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