Updated the pack to 1.1. No world changing updates just bugfixes.
^ Updated Buildcraft ^ Updated Buildcraft Additions ^ Updated Storage Drawers ^ Updated Gany's End + Added Xaero's Minimap (Disabled by defualt)
I have put to together a small modpack of commonly used and popular mods
This modpack contains 64 mods such as buildcraft ic2 project red thermal expansion and so on
it runs well on low end or older computers try it out now
Platform url: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/stack-of-mods
All of the mods in this pack are compatible with soartex fanver download the universal version for 1.6.4
I have created a new mod pack it features tekkit-like mods with an exception. No trees. No Grass. No Animals.
Check it out http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/techno-wasteland.391113
Name: Rickie
*IGN: Rickiedwaynerash
*Age: 18
Description of yourself:im quiet i like to keep to myself and not bother others
*Tekkit Lite/general mod experience: i do very well with the classic mods buildcraft, ic2, redpower.
Have you ever griefed or stolen before on another server?:nope i dont want it done to me so i wont do it
*Skype or Steam: none
IGN Rickiedwaynerash
age 18
country USA
Tekkit Exp: i am new to some of the recently added mods but i know all the ins and outs of redpower buildcraft ic2. ive played tekkit since minecraft 1.1
hey i asked you in the forums but you never answered me where did you learn to mod ive always been interested in modding and wanted to give it a try but i have no clue where to begin would you "please" help me?
you where saying how the mod i posted about ruined the point of something long and tiring, ic2, redpower, EE, and buildcraft where created to do just that
but that is so tiring you know like standing in front of a coal furnace oh wait you don't have to stand there you can pipe it out oh wait there's more you also don't have to waste you coal thanks to electricity (oh and by the way electricity and pipes aren't vanilla they are MODS)