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Everything posted by cannonfodder1

  1. awesome! i notice im not on the list. application: (for the third time) IGN: cannonfodder1 EDIT: sorry for posting again forum went all glitchy on me
  2. awesome! i notice im not on the list. application: (for the third time) IGN: cannonfodder1
  3. awesome! i notice im not on the list. application: (for the third time) IGN: cannonfodder1
  4. wow nice job Ysharma! will the item ID fixing and the beta be open in a week? a few days? just wondering how long it will take for you to fix the bugs.
  5. hey is the stupid modpack fixed yet? lol here i am again reappearing out of the blue. sorry i havent been seen like forever, but school, homework and your computer's motherboard failing have a way of keeping you from doing what you want to do.
  6. i noticed that im not on the whitelist... i will try to download the modpack in a few days, but for now im on vacation with no internet and the public internet cafe here has horrible bandwidth, i cannot download anything until i get back. from what im hearing Andrew is still MIA, and the modpack is still broken? can someone confirm these things and put me on the Whitelist?
  7. Ysharma help i cant log on to the new Technic Battles Redux forums and i dont have the ip address or the custom modpack for the server!

    the website doesnt allow me to send my confirmation email so i can activate my account! please email me at

    [email protected]

    signed, a lonely cannonfodder

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ysharma


      http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/1-4-7-technic-battles-redux-pvp-45-tbr-the-modpack-semi-anarchy-factions.31854/ Ill have to look into the forums

    3. Ysharma


      I registered the account for you. You can log in with whatever password you used to sign up

    4. cannonfodder1


      awesome thanks! it works now! but the server ip is not at the link you provided, from what i heard is the server changing modpacks and thus the ip changes too? in the meantime ill download the modpack

  8. i am now quitting Quantum, because of recent griefs (cough Ysharma cough) and forming my own company, Cannon Co. anyone who would like to join will be welcomed!
  9. @ysharma, i was the one who placed that teleporter in the shack roof. then i logged off for half an hour and some fucker had destroyed the Forcefield core, so now the projektor doesent work.
  10. teleporter? cool. also who the hell destroyed the Forcefield Core and EU Injector? now the projector wont work. EDIT: the forcefield stuff was the things that the HV solar array in the Keep of the castle was attached to
  11. wow they should really mark that out better...
  12. never mind, i did a little exploring and found the chest where my stuff got dumped into. what is the point of that system gav? EDIT: sorry for double post. EDIT 2: i got a forcefield working! currently it only coats the workshed but later we can rig it to protect the castle!
  13. I AM F**KING MAD. I WAS IN GAVJENKS' AIRSHIP FACTORY IN THE END, and i put all my items in an ender chest inside the house there so that i could kill myself. all of my items got sucked out. WHERE DO THEY FUCKING GO GAVJENKS please i want my stuff back ender chest code: white white yellow stuff lost: philosohper's stone swiftwolf rending gale red matter katar red morning star a stack of red apples Void Ring 26 End Stone
  14. i made a coke oven area and a huge power flower. (energy collectors, relays and a condenser) and ill get to work on the quarry soon. we should also start moving our stuff into the castle, the work shed is getting cramped. im also going to set up some railcraft stuff so that the coke oven process will be automated.
  15. a word of warning: we are not accepting people because of MAJOR nukings. if anyone finds you to be griefing with proof, there IS NO WAY to get unbanned. no offense, but im just telling you why we arent accepting applications. nice profile picture Greenwolf!
  16. yea i tried that already. then i half an hour later it worked again. thanks anyway.
  17. i cant get on the server it wont even detect it it says (cant resolve hostname) HELP
  18. hi greenwolf, sure you can join Quantum Enterprises. i also can help you with your castle if you want, i have a great idea for a drawbridge and castle Gate that actually work (computercraft and redpower frames) !
  19. blobture and green's castle have now been nuked. buzzcut and my base is next on the list.
  20. i get your meaning. in the meantime, are we free to blow up the map with nukes? (i really want to declare nuclear war on someone with my airship and i.)
  21. alright guys, sorry i havent been online. (holy mooshroom, school is catching up with me!) mikegigs, i did not grief your nether Blaze XP farm. i found it, and used it for a bit. i was asking because its a real shame that XP grinder is griefed. etho makes good contraptions. andrew, my timezone is pacific standard (i think) aka Canada, British Columbia. Battle_bas, i am now catching up with all the homeworks and i will be online for now. i also think that a reset is in order. ever since i set up the UU-matter factory, life on the server has been one big misery, with nothing fun to do anymore now that i have quantum armour. also i agree with Gavjenks, the companies are stupid, because no one ever does company stuff together anymore. -cannonfodder1
  22. did it include a Blaze XP farm? (Etho's Version)
  23. you need to get a little up-to-date. thaumcraft has never been in Tekkit, it has only been in Technic. and Forestry was removed from tekkit last update. it is still in Technic though. no offense.
  24. Juicy! you have to come back to the Technic Battles server! superg is crying over what he has done, none of your items are gone, and we miss you. come back please!

    -cannonfodder1, on behalf of the Technic Battles members.

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