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Everything posted by vent22

  1. IGN: vent22 AGE (14+): 19 Tekkit experience?: I have been playing tekkit classic since it came out. I'm still new to the new tekkit modpack but I know the basics. Did you read the rules: yes
  2. Your ingame name: vent22 Why you want to join our server: I want to join so i could make good friends and to build great machines to produce many items. I also want to explore space with other people. The server seems very nice and I would love to join this server with this new mod pack. Have you played on any of our other servers, if so which?: I haven't played any of the servers. This would be my first one to played in. Something about yourself: I'm am 19 years old and I'm a very nice and creative guy. I have many ideas of factories and machines to make. This server will be perfect to building my machines and factories. I been playing Tekkit classic since it came out and this new mod pack is still new to me but i know the basics of it.
  3. IGN: vent22 Age: 19
  4. IGN: vent22 Age: 19 Reasons to join: - To play with new people in a new mod pack - To build grand machines and explore space with friends Experience: Well, I know the basics and only a few advanced stuff. I played Technic Classic for a very long time, so I know the basics of producing items. Youtube Series?: I don't own a channel, so I don't plan to. Become a op?: Well if you need any more, I am a experienced admin from a couple of servers back in alpha and beta. I took conflicts of players very seriously though. Sometimes I leave them a warning. But I also try to solve it with using bans or kicks.
  5. hello, i try to join the server after it was restarted and now it says "disconnected from server griefing" i didnt even gotten banned by anyone yet
  6. IGN: vent22 Age: 16 Timezone: US Eastern Time How long have you been playing tekkit: For quite a while, pretty much 5 months How often will you be on the server: Daily Would you like to join the teamspeak(optional): No Thank You Why you received the bans (If Applicable): I had only a small amount. those were only the times i was new.
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