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Everything posted by Kocken926

  1. I didn't mean Bon Jovi is a metal artist, I just wanted to point out I like some kinds of metal, and yeah, Iron Maiden were the ones who got me interested in the first place. SimpleGuys thingy was pretty good too And for the links, just remove the first m and the dot after it to turn it into a "proper" link.
  2. If you compare the almighty Bon Jovi to crap-metal (not saying I don't like PROPER metal ), we're gonna have a problem -.- Also, stop posting mobile links.
  3. 2012 pop and tard metal? Holy cow, if anyone makes a dubstep remix of that I will kill myself in a relatively hilarious fashion. (or just facepalm, depending on my mood) Seriously though, I thought we were past Gangnam parodies, and this is just the Crème de la crap.
  4. Dammit SimpleGuy, why do you keep nuking all the fun and slightly hostile threads? ;(

    1. SimpleGuy


      I'm deathly allergic to fun.

    2. GreenWolf13


      That explains everything.

  5. Kocken926


    In due time, yes.
  6. I remember seeing something like that, but I can't seem to find it now :/ EDIT: Man I'm bad at searching, http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/matthew-mohwinkel-new-member.3 Spambots?
  7. I think the spambotter just made a new account. (google his post to see the spam)
  8. To be more specific, I was referring to extreme individualists. The kinds that grow their own food (and load their own ammunition). The kinds that want no taxes, but yet not anarchy somehow. A bit harshly put of me though, I meant something were they would need people on a day to day basis.
  9. A bit of a longshot of you, no? Thanks for the interesting what'sitsface, but I don't think individualists would bind themselves to something that requires other people to survive.
  10. Kocken926


    Green pickled tomatoes ? Now that's just plain disgusting :S
  11. Maybe his neurons are individualists?
  12. Kocken926


    If you mean pickle then say pickle. Personally I don't like pickle chutney, but it's better than green tomato chutney I guess And miracle berries wouldn't work on pickles ;(
  13. Kocken926


    Green tomatoes? With pork? Bring forth the miracle berries...
  14. Kocken926


    ...moms are always so specific with their cooking...
  15. Kocken926


    But what if it's a pork pie? EDIT: Damn pork ninjas
  16. Kocken926


    Golden apple pie!
  17. It's the best mod out there, though it is rumored to make ducks appear on you motherboard, as well as making your Minecraft-account pirated. EDIT: Ninja'd...by 15 whole minutes...
  18. Come on people, we need to get a joke about the sparklefartz mod in here before the thread dies!
  19. Jorcer temp-banned? I'm scared D:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kocken926


      I think it's because everyone is (atleast secretly) afraid of Cheap Shot :P Still, a pretty weird phenomena.

    3. Jorcer


      Well, I'm back now! (Hopefully for good)

    4. Kocken926


      Don't go getting yourself perm-banned atleast -.-

  20. Which means you could make items dissapear at certain charge levels, right? Also, where do you get the numbers for it? Heh, first non-kellered to post here is a mod :P
  21. Keep in mind when banning items that some share item IDs. Wonder if you could make items dissapear at certain charge levels..
  22. Having weight means you can't travel at the speed of light, not having weight means you can't NOT travel at the speed of light. My method uses timetravel, however. That way I could arrive at a place before the photons that bounced of me earlier arrives there.
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