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Everything posted by OptimalBubble

  1. You could switch the server to The new 'Big Dig' Mod pack on the launcher, we would get much more people on because i don't think there are many server's on 'Big Dig' because its only a few days old.
  2. Next Time i get some spare cash i might donate again.
  3. IOn Could we get some more plugins Please: MCBans EasyEssentials It would make every thing much easyer becuase with MCBans you can tempban whitch we need for the minor griefing and EasyEssentials just for them little thing.
  4. Good application and i know him in real life, he is kind. +1 For him to become mod. - OptimalBubble XD
  5. IOn could Admins have access to restart the server some how?
  6. I only banned you because i had pipes running from my quarrys and you placed other pipes to divert the items to you're chests so..
  7. Thats not the first time you have griefed
  8. People the server is down, we are sorry
  9. IOn can you add the website address to a announcment please
  10. Anything About the server is all on our website http://ionstekkit.enjin.com/
  11. Hey guys visit our New website! http://ionstekkit.enjin.com/home
  12. I know this sounds bad, but can i get premoted to admin, I Help the server out a lot but i feel i need more premmisions as a janitor, i will not dis-respect the power i have if im Admin and not just Randomly Ban people people or temp or kick if i do any off them it would be for a reson like Griefing, spaming, Advetising or just being annoying to other people. I really want to be admin because i allways see griefing and want to stop it not just bye removing the blocks but bye temp-banning the player and giving them a chance. I aslo want to be admin because i want to be Able to Roll-back a chunk if it has been griefed and just fix spawn (in Creative). I will not give free items away in Creative mode. I can advetise the server on other Forums, and post the server on Tekkitserver web-sites, i will try to get people to donate and say how Awsome it is and all the cool perks you get. [Janitor]OptimalBubble
  13. IOn hey, i placed the condensers at spawn but someone put a Furnace next to them wich caused that persone to have access to the condensers and i blocked them off because people were using the condersers to make like 125,454,360x64 Dirt and then were griefing the server that is the only resone why i did. And can i request to be premoted to moderator i know you have just De-ranked me to VIP but i can prove i can really help the server and stop griefing (i will even donate $5 more to be mod)
  14. Ion.. 1) why have i been demoted to VIP ? and 2) spawn has been griefed.
  15. Hey, IOn may i recomend a new plugin for the server? this plugin adds a rank next to their name in-game like this [Janitor]<OptimalBubble>, [mod]<OptimalBubble>, [Admin]<Optimalbubble>, [Owner]<IOn_Vash> or [Donator]<OptimalBubble> I am not a expert with this plugin but i know the basic commands for it here is a link the find out more about it and how to download it. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/groupmanager/ its made by bukkit so it must be good! BUBBLE XD
  16. Ion i was wondering if i could be premoted to a Admin i know this is a little to soon but i am having trouble because there was a griefing going on and all i could do was remove the block this guy was placing i could not tempban him or ban him for doing wrong because i was the only staff on and someone was asking for op and spaming 'CAN I HAVE OP PLEASE!!!!' and i could not kick him or tempban him so yeah, i am sorry for bugging you for requests but i really need this to help the server. bubble XD
  17. Hey Ion thanks for promoting me but i don't have any off the janitors premissions to remove other block because i tryed to remove some cobblestone some one placed at my house but i can't so can you please add the right premissions please. And ion i think the server's map should be restarted because it is really laggy and i think the is caused by a leaky buildcraft pipe at someones house.
  18. +1 to miv he has been working hard on the server
  19. Hey Ion, i love the server and i know that some staff have left and there are some open staff slots, i am requesting that i can be made a moderator on your server i have tons off fun on the server and try to help people with there problems as much as i can. at the moment i help by using the DM shovel but i can't remove any types off wood, stone or mashines so i am just requesting i can be mod because i want to help the server. i have a difftent application on page 10 or 9 can you look at that to please that mite make the chance off you picking me better (im a VIP at the moment) Thanks OptimalBubble XD
  20. ¿? help ?¿ what help ¿?¿?
  21. +1 to miv I think he would make a good janitor or Even mod
  22. My staff aplication enjoy IGN: OptimalBubble AGE: 14 (15 in march) COUNTRY: ENGLAND PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: I was a 'Admin' on a diffrent server but it got closed down, all the people who played on it said i helped out and I gave 100% in to the server un-like most staff who were only on once every 1/2 a week. HOW WOULD YOU HELP?: im good at most mods in tekkit and like to help people, i will be on the server most days after school and at the weekends and weeks off, i spend a lot off time playing tekkit and would love to be a staff member on a server again i would also love to help the server because the staff on it are Awsome and so helpfull and i would love to be like them, i dont like swearing i only do it if i hurt my self or im angry, i hate spamers i will never spam on the server, i also hate griefers i dont see the point in griefing and i like to help people if they are ever griefed because i know what it feels like to be griefed. I will give 100% in to the server ! WHAT ARE YOU BEST AT IN 'TEKKIT' ? : In tekkit i think i am best at piping iteams and wiring mashines i'm a ok miner (its fun) ,i am also a very good builder and can help the server if it ever needs a new spawn or a shop. POSITION YOU WOULD LIKE TO APPLY FOR: I would like to apply for the Positon of 'Janitor' or 'mod' SKYPE: jay.cutts31 or jay.cutts1 WHAT DO YOU KNOW ?: i know how to use most plugins such as World edit i can create domes,cut/copy and paste land,spawn trees ect. I also know how to ban and kick players but im not to sure how to temp-ban though but i can learn. Please Can I be staff IOn I am a VIP at The moment
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