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About sasorixmakiko

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

sasorixmakiko's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: sasorixmakiko Age:16 How long you've been playing Hexxit (doesn't really matter, newbies or veterans are well received): Since it came out. Maybe a picture of some previous builds(not necessary just enjoy seeing peoples builds, however it will help to show your maturity level in how you build): I don't have many screenshots of my builds, most are on other servers that I don't play anymore. Why you want to play on this server: I need a mature server on Hexxit that I wont get griefed on and has nice people.
  2. Black and White are the only true colors.

  3. Ign: sasorixmakiko Age: 21 time-zone: eastern standard tekkit exp: yes amount played: around 2 years why i would want to be on your server: I needed a server where people can take a joke and not scream like a five year old and they are mature also i need a white-listed server where i can build without fear of being griefed. previous bans: none hope you find me acceptable and maybe ill see you soon cheers.
  4. Ign sasorixmakiko i have never been banned what i plan to do: hopefully make friends love and tolerate people and make cool epic thingies. what will you see in me: some one who can take a joke love *ADORES* Mlp and is mature. why should you even accept: Ive been meaning to find a nice white-listed server to get away from all the haters and griefing. One with a nice community and diverse society where i can build make allys and do crazy fun things. hope you find me acceptable and maybe see you soon bye <3 .
  5. what ever i fixed it myself
  6. ok i have two computers one is an older win xp the other is a win 7 so basically ones good ones crap. the good one started randomly get the white screen like its crashing. the older computer was working until today. now both have white screens . i have know idea whats wrong im getting sick of the problems ik you guys are trying hard but its kinda outa hand.
  7. i got the same thing
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