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Everything posted by BFG9000d

  1. Awesome server! BTW are you going to update it to 1.1.5?
  2. IGN:BFG9000D AGE:15 Experience with Tekkit:I know a lot about almost all the mods (exept galacticraft) How long you have been playing: I play minecraft since 1.7 and Technic since 1.8.1 Why would you be a good addition to the server: I am nice (I think) and I want to build some cool things
  3. Can you please post it as a .zip or .rar file?? You cant download the hole folder at once if you dont have a premium mediafire account and its anoying to download every single file.... EDIT: Ok i downloaded it but what are we suposed to do in a superflat map in hardcore?
  4. when i update to java 1.7 i get a bad driver error when launching minecraft with updated drivers. So i can only remove advanced machines from my server?
  5. I can help you with the building cause i know pretty much everything about tekkit. but i cant host a 24/7 server
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