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Everything posted by christomax3

  1. says I haven't been whitelisted?
  2. Your exact user-name as it appears in game: christomax3 A short description of why you wish to join Because: i've been looking for a new server to share my experience with. I have over a years experience with tekkit, and I feel my project would look great for the server. I also am willing to help with any server projects that need it. Your biome preference (forest, grassland, desert, tundra, jungle): I will take desert. Your terrian preference (mountain, flat, mixed) Flat, but I will take mixed if needed. Access to water (coastline, river, lake, none) Would like a coastline, but once again not required.
  3. 1. Why do you want to play on this server? Because I want to be part of a new community, and to offer my knowledge to people who need the help! 2. What is your username? christomax3 3. Why should we accept you? Because I have plenty of experience, wanting to help anyone who needs it! 4. How long have you been playing tekkit? A little over a year. 5. How old are you? 19 6. Have you been banned more then 3 times? if so why? No 7.What is your feeling on griefing (Be honest) I think its pointless, and destroys peoples really hard work 9. Potatoes or pineapples? (this one wont count between your chance of getting in but answer it all the same) Pineapples :D
  4. Name: christomax3 Age: 19 What do you wish to accomplish?: I want to be able to help with the server, and to help with a great community. Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, Both what is the purpose of a macerator? It is used to crush ores down into dust, that gives you more ores to smelt Recommendations(if you been invited None Others things i should know: Thats pretty much it, live in the USA
  5. IGN: christomax3 Reason for wanting to become a member?: Because it seems to have a friendly community, and I want to help make great creations for the server Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yep
  6. http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/1ae8f2b7d933fb985aa84dacea5f307e24bc55de there you go, totally forgot somehow lol
  7. In Game Name (IGN): christomax3 Age: 19 Your timezone: Cen How long you have played Tekkit: a little over a year Provide your whitelist link (and reason for bans if applicable): Central Time Why would you like to play on this server (make an effort guys, a couple of sentences at least!): Well i've been looking through your post and it caught my interest. Looks like there are alot of friendly people. Also I love to build, and working with people that have less experience than me.
  8. IGN: christomax3 Age: 19 Location (country): USA Have you read and agree to the rules: Yes Have you played Tekkit before?: Yes Have you signed up on our forums/website (not required to!)?: no
  9. Name : christomax3 Age : 19 Reason you want to join : Looking for a new community to offer a helping hand with. Have you ever been banned before :No
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