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Posts posted by nedned2k

  1. Let me just point out that you're going to have to do better than that.

    "Latest" isn't a java version, we can't be completely sure what exactly you mean.

    If you've gotten to the Mojang Screen, it's not a launcher bug.

    Your bug report isn't any help at all, in fact, it's not even a legitimate sentence.

    You've failed to tell us what you've tried and what exactly happened when it stopped working.

  2. I can of course read the tutorial, you do not need to show me what I posted, I was wanting a easier tutorial with more explanation. If someone posted a video step by step on how to make and use the new platform, that may be, you know, more helpful. And along for my english I don't think that's very well help, there's alot of people needing an attitude ajustment rather than just calling people out, I posted for an answer, not the typical internet.

    Woah there, you don't understand. We're not here to make an extensive tutorial for you in spite of the fact that simple enough ones exist, like the one I linked one of your previous threads. We're here to help you with specific problems. The tutorials are good enough, and if nobody wants to make an absolutely perfect one, you don't go continually posting that someone should, instead, you should do what you can with what you have and, failing that, ask for help, giving as much information on your problem as possible.

    A good way to start might be uploading your files to a file hosting thingie and letting someone have a look.

  3. Right, I think I'll just interject here to attempt my best to give help to the unhelpful OP

    First off, Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling are something that shouldn't be tossed out when inconvenient. Saying you have the "latest" version of windows doesn't help at all, because we're not entirely sure of what you think the latest one is. You could have Windows 7, and simply not heard that Windows 8 is available. Also, you're entire post says nothing useful about your problem, only that you run out of memory, which is such a common issue with minecraft that we can't even begin to decipher your root problem causing it without more information, which brings me to my last point that you didn't provide any system information besides your OS (if even that) and the amount of RAM you have.

    This is why you were ridiculed mercilessly.

    And then, you retaliated in an extremely aggressive manner, and didn't even bother to ask why you were being ridiculed, even when one of the ridiculers was a Moderator, who obviously has the title for a reason.

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