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defoe the foe

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About defoe the foe

  • Birthday 04/23/1994

defoe the foe's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. GROUP APPLICATION IGN: midgitjay, thunderworm, rocky7032 Age:18,18,24 Country/Timezone: florida Tekkit Experience: we are knowers of all things tekkit Reason for joining: we need a server to live and play on frequently Have you read the rules: yes How long have you played tekkit: we have all been playing since mine craft beta What you feel you can contribute: we can bulid our own cool town Time you can contribute to the server: almost every day
  2. GROUP APPLACTION Minecraft name: midgitjay, thunderworm, rocky7032 Age: 18, 18, 24 Experience: we are all experts in all thing tekkit and minecraft Why you want to join: we need a world to live and build in
  3. GROUP APPLICATION IGN: midgitjay, rocky7032, thunderworm Have you ever been banned: we all got banned because our friend is a dumbass What do you plan to do on the server: we need a server to live and build on What is your experience level with Tekkit? we are all very experienced
  4. GROUP APPLICATION IGN: midgitjay, rocky7032, thunderworm Have you ever been banned: we all got banned because our friend is a dumbass What do you plan to do on the server: we need a server to live and build on What is your experience level with Tekkit? we are all very experienced
  5. New GROUP APPLACTION - Your Minecraft Username: rocky7032, thunderworm, midgitjay - Your Real Name: rob, mike, justin - What your build style is: everything just trying to have a server we can play on all the time - Have you ever been banned: rocky7032: never thunderworm: once while playing vanilla tekkit for trolling but only because i had nothing better to do midgitjay: nope - Your age: rocky7032:24 thunderworm:18 midgitjay:18 - How long you have played Minecraft/Tekkit: rocky7032: mincecraft beta thunderworm: minecraft beta midgitjay: about 3 days but ive watched over 50 hours of tekkit videos on youtube
  6. GROUP APPLACTION - Your Minecraft Username: rocky7032, thunderworm, midgitjay - Your Real Name: rob, mike, justin - If you have Skype or not: yes? - What your build style is: everything just trying to have a server we can play on all the time - Have you ever been banned: rocky7032: never thunderworm: once while playing vanilla tekkit for trolling but only because i had nothing better to do midgitjay: nope - Your age: rocky7032:24 thunderworm:18 midgitjay:18 - How long you have played Minecraft/Tekkit: rocky7032: mincecraft beta thunderworm: minecraft beta midgitjay: about 3 days but ive watched over 50 hours of tekkit videos on youtube - Any interesting stuff about yourself: rocky: i drive limos for a living thunderworm: i work at a marina midgitjay: ive never made an energy condenser
  7. GROUP APPLICATION IGN: midgitjay, thunderworm, rocky7032 Have you ever been banned: midgitjay: new to mc never have had a chance to thunderworm: once in vanilla tekkit but only because i had nothing better to do rocky7032: never What do you plan to do on the server: we plan start a new life on this server. Our server (excluding midgitjay) recently got deleted by the owner so we are looking for a new server to play on almost every day What is your experience level with Tekkit? midgitjay: i just got mc the other day but i have watched over 50 (no exaggeration) hours of tekkit videos on youtube including every episode of tekkit with lewis simon and duncan , every episode of tekkit with sips and sjin and most every episode of tekkit with duncan. i pretty much know the basics of everying thunderworm: ive have been playing since mc beta and tekkit since it came out have put countless hours into my many creations rocky7032:i have also been playing since mc beta and when tekkit first came out i was the one that told thunder about mc. but i pretty much know every mod BC, EE, IC, RC, etc we will be eagerly waiting a reply thank you
  8. IGN:midgitjay AGE: 18 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: never really played before WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? just got minecraft but have watched over 50 hours of tekkit videos (not an exaggeration at all) including tekkit with duncan, tekkit with sips and sjin, and tekkit with duncan simon and lewis. now ive got a ton of stuff to try out WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? i am new mc but im bring along with me two others the two previous post are them they are very experienced all we need is a server to live and build on
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