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Everything posted by Caringnet

  1. Thats awesome. My brother used to own a tekkit server =)
  2. guys idd love to chat but i have to do homework g2g ttyl
  3. whitelist??????? why is there whitelist there wasnt before
  4. i got banned 4 no reson. plz let me back on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive never gotten banned before and i dont know why now plz plz plz let me back on i never do anything bad if i can help it and in this case... i cant help it. i was very new to the server and so disapointed when i got banned. it seems like a really good server!!!!
  5. i cant log in :'( too many people, too little slots fun happiness hack/mine server please get more slots so i can have these things :'(
  6. Hi i did what everyone said about making this server work but i cant. it gives me the error End Of Stream. Is the server down?
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