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Everything posted by Ragnaroek_12

  1. Uhm, is the server pretty much dead now or what? Cause I havent heard anything of the admins etc. For Months now.
  2. Oh and claw can i help at the spawn too or are you already finished?
  3. One question, are the condensers the only thing that is gonna be banned from EE on this server (of course not including the old bans) or are the rings and talismans gonna be banned to? And how about CC now? I believe there's a lot of RAM available again (my Tekkit crashed 5 times in York x.x) so is there enough to hold CC now? If not, I'm fine about it then, if yes, I'd be glad to have it . To ksher: It would be nice to work with you and Invited together and make our own little Town. What do you say?
  4. Thanks man. At least I have one person to trust left.
  5. Yay it finally works! And I already can say: Fabulous! Good work on that!
  6. So, how is it now? Still problems or are you finished claw? The exitement is killing me :D
  7. Okay, if nothing is gonna be made soon, I'll be gone. I got griefed, and not just a little. Unfortunately I don't know how to insert photos here, but can I send them to someone who cares? I really feel a bit left behind on this server more and more, the people get unfriendly and Griefers are on the go. And I got a message that someone seems to has set a bounty on my head. I don't know whether this is true or not, as long as nothing is gonna be made, I'm not gonna be playing a lot anymore, even though I like this server. Sorry but that's just... absolute bull****. Angry, Rag
  8. I've got a good feeling that everything is gonna be fixed soon. Just got dat Feeeeeling :P
  9. I already decided to go to York. You can trust me I'm not going to do bull**** that would ruin my good name as fighter against griefers and people who don't follow rules. And I am a good builder, so I could (and defiantely want) to help out a lot!
  10. ksher I already planned to go to York. And you can trust me, I wont be making problems. If I would, that would ruin my good name as a fighter against the ruthless Griefers and People that don't follow the rules! And I am not bad at building so I might be "useful" for you :P
  11. Invited, how is it gonna be in York? Because I want to know where I'm gonna be living :D
  12. I'm very curious how the server will be. But it already has one plus: I can be a Magician again! I didn't find any server with EE enabled, I'm so happy that it is on this one :)
  13. InvitedSubset just showed me this server. It looks pretty awesome with almost no game-destroying bans! But there's one exception: No CC? I love programming stuff with CC, but it is off? I would just like to know a reason, and if there's a possibility that it will be enabled. Hope for a quick response! :D
  14. Don't know if it's a bug or wanted, macerating nether iron and nether gold ore doesn't work. Asking for quick response please! Also: Are the Admin shops gonna be set up soon? I could really do with buying a talisman of repair . And btw great work on that server! Nice admins and mods. But some argueings the last week(s). Maybe we need some more staff to prevent such big arguements. Another problem is currently the griefing: I know - lot of people griefed now, so I think Hawkeye-plugin wouldn't be bad.
  15. Hey Collins, you won't believe what happened:

    I could come to the server!

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